Friday, June 15, 2012

Cystic acne as body dysmorphic disorder

An interesting thing is that the psychological condition of body dysmorphic disorder is very often triggered by cystic acne. This is a condition where people feel that they are extremely hideous despite the fact that they are normal looking. Cystic acne often acts as a catalyst in this disorder from what I have seen and read about it. Just like anorexia is often triggered by an individual being initially overweight, BDD is triggered by things like acne (or also common is a large nose). It causes a lot of emotional stress and this is very unfortunate that it is this way.

Then I am always asked the question "do people really react differently to you because you have cystic acne? Do you look at people and say: they have acne and wont be their friend?" Well, not exactly. Someone with bad acne can be less attractive. Of course that is not what anyone wants to hear and it sounds very superficial, but that is what I have encountered as the truth. It's such a bizarre thing because people's attitudes are often what make them attractive or unattractive and of course the cystic acne has a high potential of affecting one's attitude.

The conclusion is that it should have very little effect on your social life. However, in regards to self confidence - to have some sort of personal life this is where the problem is. It absolutely takes away from your self confidence and it is one of the few things that can do that which is so difficult to cure. But don't let it stop your social life. When you finally get rid of the acne, then only you will realize there's no much different without acne, because your personality that counts. Hopefully whoever reads this will feel better.

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