Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Find a Cheating Spouse With a Reverse Cell Phone Lookup Directory

Do you constantly receive telephone calls from a unknown cell telephone number? Have you latterly gotten a statement, or perhaps an online phonephone bill that has many numbers on it, that you don't recognize? Perhaps your children text their chums, and you aren't certain if you know them or approve of them associating with your child. Perhaps your significant other or better half is acting very oddly, all the time contacting unknown, new numbers on their cell phonephone, or spending an inordinate amount of time on it. You are likely already aware, but there are no cell phone white pages or free lists which will tell you who a specific phonephone number belongs to, irrespective of what reason you have for looking.

This unbelievably simple service merely requires the cellular telephone number that you wish to look up. The database that is online, will ensure that they have come up with a counterpart to the number that you put in, and after that, you can determin e how many look ups you could need to make. To make certain that there's zero at all to be worried about, try it at the moment.
Free online folks search provides a dazzling way to assemble information for people who need to check on other folks. Be it an employer who needs to check a prospected applicant for the job, a lending corporation making sure of the employment and finance history of its customer, a police officer gathering prior criminal records of a new arrested person, a long lost mate, son, daughter...

However [*COMMA] some ill-judged folks could also use these free online folks search engines in a malignant manner. Stalking for instance became a prone problem since urgent information like telephone numbers and addresses are displayed here.

With the correct information, the search engines will function very well. All you need is a little luck the folks you're looking for has an account.

Most folk can acknowledge for the efficacy of these sites.

These free online folks search sites are customarily involved with spam distribution and doubtless another illegal activities.

nonetheless, if you're actually desperate enough for the requirement of information that may only be supplied by websites who charges for a certain amount, then select those that are well established and has privacy contact information with a refund guarantee option. Always be reminded that the internet is progressing very fast with its searches. A large amount of folks are submitting accounts on certain sites and state offices and agencies are transferring hard files into databases. Because of this, looking in the Net will truly be a perfect choice for the task you need. So on the next time that you're going to need to check-out somebody, be sure that you are using the most effective way, search folk online for free.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Cell Phone Number Tracking - Catch Your Cheating Spouse Right Now

There are many situations where you may need a reverse cell phone lookup service. This will range from as simple as wanting to know the person you're talking to, or you may want to get back at a prank caller. Better yet, find someone you have lost touch with, or know if you're spouse has been talking and meeting up with his ex-wife or ex-girlfriend behind your back.

Click Here to Get Best Reverse Phone Number Trace Service

One of the features of this innovation is that while it allows you details into someone else's private life, it protects your own privacy and is 100% confidential. This means that you will never be known as the one who did a search on someone. It comes at a price though like any good service. Payment options may differ depending on your need to know. Some offer pay per visit schemes while those who need it for business like investigators etc. can pay a one time fee for unlimited use. Although it comes at a price, reverse cell phone lookups can giv e you priceless information. Knowing who your partner has been talking to can explain his weird behavior, or why he has to run to the kitchen every now and then. With this, you can tackle things head-on instead of waiting for what might or will happen if left unchecked.

Click Here to Get Best Reverse Phone Number Trace Service

This can also be used to track down someone you have lost touch with. With this service you just have to type in the old number and it will give you some information as to where they are. With this you can be reunited with your first love, a former colleague, or just an old friend.

Probably the most important benefit of this is the one to your well being. Anyone has received a prank call or two in their life. Though most are just annoying, other times they can be a little disturbing. You can use this service to deal with a prank caller by giving the information you receive to the authorities.

Click Here to Get Best Reverse Phone Numbe r Trace Service

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Monday, February 17, 2014

How Can Reverse Telephone Number Lookup Help A Cheated Spouse And Anyone Who Want To Trace A Call

Is your spouse getting a lot of phone calls from people you do not know about? Is he or she acting very suspiciously and secretively during and after answering a phone call? Perhaps, you are finding late-night calls right on his or her mobile phone call history. For sure, you would like to know who the caller/s is/are. You need to get into a reverse telephone number lookup service.

In the past, it was just so easy to find out the identity of landline callers. If your phone unit is able to list the numbers of recent telephone callers, you could easily use phone books or white pages to find out who the callers are. However, there are problems when the phone number is not listed in both. In the modern times, it is also hard to identify owners of cellular phone numbers. If you do not like the idea of calling such numbers and asking the owners who they are (it could be risky and embarrassing), you should get a reverse telephone number lookup service.

Finding the name and the location of owners of specific phone numbers (landline or mobile) would entail the use of a reverse number lookup. Subscribe to such services in any of the available reverse telephone lookup service providers. Such businesses have access to databases of various phone companies and mobile carriers in the country. Such databases include landline, mobile, toll-free, fax, and unlisted phone numbers.

You could attain basic and important information about the owner of a specific phone number. Aside from the name, you could also find out about the persons address and other additional information like a list of his or her household members. Unfortunately, there is no free alternative for the service. You need to pay for subscribing into a reverse telephone number lookup service using an electronic payment system via credit card, PayPal, or other similar money transfer accounts.

How can you use such a service? You need to simply enter the specific phone number you are dubious about into an online search form provided by the company. The following information would be instantly provided: precise location (state or city) where it is registered, whether the number is landline or cellular, and other additional information available. Purchase access to such a service and you are all set. Nominal annual fee is usually required.

Do not just sit there entertaining many suspicions and dubious thoughts about your spouse. He or she does not need to know you are investigating the calls he or she receives. Sign up for a reverse telephone number lookup service now.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Special Forces of The World

Who are the best special forces? These are the troops who carry out a large number of missions that rarely, if ever, make headlines. Most of these groups want to keep things quiet. This is a big deal, since they are relatively small forces containing very highly trained soldiers ? the training often takes years, and is done at a very high standard. For example, eight out of ten trying to become Air Force pararescuemen wash out at one point or another. While there are many special forces organizations in the world, the following are those that stand out in terms of quality and quantity.

The United States has a wide variety of special forces (nicknamed ?snake eaters?). One of the most famous, due to Hollywood portrayals, are the SEALs. The United States has about 2300 SEALs, divided among six SEAL Teams (with 50 platoons of 16 men between them), plus DEVGRU (the new designation for SEAL Team Six). SEAL Team One (8 platoons) covers Southeast Asia (including hot spots like Indonesia and the Philippines), and , SEAL Team Two (8 platoons) covers Europe (including the Balkans), SEAL Team Three (8 platoons) handles Southwest Asia (think the Arabian Peninsula and Iraq), SEAL Team Four (10 platoons) covers Central and South America (Colombia and Venezuela), SEAL Team Five covers the Northern Pacific (North Korea), and SEAL Team Eight covers the Caribbean, Med, and Africa (Nigeria). The manpower and structure of DEVGRU/SEAL Team Six is classified, but some estimates place the total of personnel in that group at 200. It has been mixed in with an administrative and tes ting section of 300 personnel.

The U.S. Army also has Special Forces, better known as the Green Berets. These are in seven groups (five active, two reserve), each with 1400 personnel. Each group has a total of fifty-four A teams, organized into three battalions, each with three companies (consisting of six A teams ? each with twelve men). These groups also have geographic assignments: The 1st Special Forces Group is assigned to Pacific Command (with a battalion in Okinawa), the 3rd Special Forces Group is assigned to European Command (specializing in Africa), the 5th Special Forces Group is assigned to Central Command, the 7th Special Forces Group is assigned to Southern Command, and the 10th Special Forces Group is assigned to European Command (with a battalion in Germany). The two reserve groups also work with various commands. The 19th Special Forces Group is assigned to Central and Pacific Commands, while the 20th is under Southern Command.

The British Special Air Service is one of the most well-known special operations groups. It got its start in World War II, when it carried out numerous missions in North Africa under David Stirling ? making life miserable for the Afrika Korps. The 22nd SAS is the active duty regiment, and has four ?Sabre? squadrons (A, B, D, and G Squadrons), each with 6 officers and 78 men. Two reserve SAS regiments also exist, the 21st (with A, C, and E Squadrons) and the 23rd (with A, B, and C squadrons). When support troops like the 264th Squadron (a communications unit) various headquarters units, and the retirees of R Squadron are added, that the SAS consists of about 1,000 men.

Not as well-known as the SAS, but even more selective, is the Special Boat Section (SBS). This unit consists of three squadrons (C, M, and S Squadrons) and is part of the Royal Marines. SBS members first must undergo SAS selection, then receive additional training in diving, photography, canoeing, and other skills. Among its operations include missions to convince Iraqi troops that amphibious landings were imminent in the 1991 liberation of Kuwait (a mission also performed by SEALs), the liberation of South Georgia during the Falklands War, and covert operations in Northern Ireland.

Germany also features superb special forces with a track record of success. The two major units are Grenzschutzgruppe 9 (GSG-9), and Kommando Spezialkrafte (KSK). GSG-9 is part of the German police, and was founded in the wake of the terrorist attack during 1972 Munich Olympics that left 11 Israeli athletes dead. It has about 250 men in its three main sub-groups, and among its successes were the recapture of hijacked airliners in 1977 and 1994. In its 1300 missions (many kept classified), there have been only four occasions where shots have been fired (the two confirmed incidents were the 1977 hostage-rescue of a Lufthansa airliner, and a 1993 shootout with two Red Army Faction terrorists). KSK is part of the Bundeswehr, and has 420 men in four fighting subgroups (out of a total of 1,000). Not much is known about their operations yet, but they have been deployed to Kosovo and Afghanistan.

This is not an exhaustive list, but these are probably the most famous of the groups out there. The SAS is probably the best of these groups, due to a long track record (since 1941) of making life miserable for bad guys from Nazi Germany to al-Qaeda. Special operations troops will be around for a long time ? often succeeding quietly.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Is It Possible To Make Money Writing And Selling E-Books Online?

One of the most popular and sought after online money making methods is writing and selling E-books, and rightly so. E-book has become one of the hottest markets to make money in, but many people are skeptic on whether or not you can make money with the E-book publishing business, and the truth is that it is a legitimate concern. with all the scams scattered all over the internet, it is only smart to ask the question of whether or not one can make money with E-books. so if you are one of those skeptics and wondering if it's a good idea to start your own E-book publishing business, read ahead to find out for yourself, if it is possible or not to make money writing and selling E-books.

What Is An E-book?
E-book publishing can be linked to the more familiar traditional book publishing. which simply has evolved into a more friendly method, and adapted itself to meet the literature needs of our fast paced computerized 21st century lives. E-book is not a new invention of any sort, it's more of a an already invented invention that is opening up it's doors to the new possibilities. E-book is simply an electronic book! which has many benefits that the traditional books lack. it's is an easier and faster way to purchase a book without having to leave the comfort of your home. of course with the growing popularity of E-books, came along many devices that make reading an electronic book easier. it's the ease of use and instant availability of E-book that has made this product a favorite amongst many readers. and that brings up the possibility of making a new reliable income stream. so the question becomes- do people really make money with E-books? and if so, can it be counted as a reliable way of making enough money to sustain an average household?
Is E-book Publishing A Good Way To Make Money?

Well, the short answer is yes. in fact it can be a quite profitable business, if done right! in order to have a successful E-book publishing business, you need to do your homework. not all E-books are created equal, thus not any kind of E-book is going to make you loads of money. so finding a hot and in demand subject to base your E-book on, is your first and most important step, which thanks to our consumer based attitude society, on demand and hot selling topics number in thousands. so it will not be hard to find a profitable topic to write an E-book about, but choosing one that you already have some knowledge and expertise about, can dramatically speed up your research process and the actual writing of the E-book. also it can contribute on the quality of the E-book you are planning to publish, which gives you a higher chance of success in making a notable amount of money.

Writing an E-bo ok may seem quite impossible or difficult at first, but once started, you will notice a much easier and faster way to write, compare to the traditional book writing. and in some cases, the rewards can be far greater, not to mention instant. of course that depends highly on ones own abilities to write. but you will be surprised how much a 5 page E-book can contribute in your income!

As you can see, the answer to the question of whether or not E-book publishing business can be used to make money easy is quite obvious. yes, in fact it is much easier to make money with E-books than many other online money making methods. but as any other methods of making money, it requires a certain amount of effort and hard work combined with persistency, which if focused in the right direction, can lead you to make a notable sum of money, certainly more notable than working a traditional 9-5 job.

iAutoblog the premie r autoblogger software

Friday, February 14, 2014

Social Media And The Book Publishing Industry – Doom Or Salvation?

Social Media has a stronger impact to books than the movable type had, launched six centuries ago. Social Media makes information producible, accessible and spreads it easily, quickly and without barriers of entry. Is Social Media the paradigm shift which will the publishing industry alive? In any case changes will come. Big changes.

The Publishing industry provides the creative with resources not available to them, namely: production of books, the distribution, the pricing, marketing and sales.

Book Production

Looking at the emerging landscape of online publishing all of the mentioned contribution is available to authors online and seems much more economic by nature than the capital-intense publishing industry it seems digital content makes production a commodity. Making use of online collaboration and web 2.0 technology lots of crowd-sourced book sites likeFastPencil allow authors to skip the traditional publishing route entirely (and control their own promotion) to self-publish their eBooks. FastPencil claims this allows authors to have access to the broadest distribution possible as well as the promise that the digital files will be able to adapt to any eReader that is introduced in the future. Another company calledBlio is intending to offer publishers/authors the opportunity to create digital files at no cost that can preserve the format of previously tough-to-digitize tomes such as cookbooks. On top of that as a author you can:

Embedded multimedia inserts web pages, videos, and other interactive content into selected areas of text toenhance meaning. 3D book view which includes realistic page turning Reading out loud: TTS (text-to-speech) or a synchronized audio track Translate to or from English in an imbedded translation window

This is all pretty impressive stuff and can create a user experience much more enhanced and engaging than paper books. Presumably this in the next years to come this will put some traditional offline publisher under pressure.

As part of the digital publishing revolution the way a story of a book is told even is about to change; transmedia is the buzzword here. Readers and writers engage and connect with each other to create the stories which are delivered then in systematically dispersed junks across multiple delivery channels. You can choose between chunks of text, watch a video story update or even, as inGirl Number 9, catch up on Twitter, where you can interact with characters and receive clues and updates. This means basically books are changing from being content sandwiched between two covers and organized by chapter to a many-to-many interactive storytelling. I like that.

Book Distribution

A trend noticeable is distributors or retailers are becoming book producers the same time. AmazonEncore for instance is not just a huge book store and recommendation engine to unearth exceptional books but they also partner with authors through marketing support and distribution into multiple channels and formats, such as Books Store,Amazon Kindle Store,, and national and independent bookstores via third-party wholesalers. So if you can produce you eBook for free and get marketing and distribution support by your retailer, who needs publishers?

Having mentioned the Amazon's Kindle e-reader, obviously the upcoming launch of the new iPad (any future mobile device really will turn into an eReader) and the trend to eBook distribution/consumption in general (in Dec 09 the number of digital books sold on Amazon surpassed the paper editions) shines a brand new light on the traditional publishing industry. New technological capabilities enable companies likeWired Magazine (see the video of the iPad version of the magazine below) to raise the bar of publishing (multimedia) content to a new unmatched form.This will certainly provide the users with a new level of experience of information consumption and will make the switch from print to digital media consumption easier, more tantalizing and much more readers will use it. Especially if you compare this approach to the content you get by using some clunky black and white eReader.

Book Sales and Marketing

No doubt publishers are facing are tough time with pressure coming from authors, distributer/retailers as well as readers. To me it seems the current value chain for publishers is breaking. The landscape of content/books will get a lot more crowded and there'll be a lot more competition for eyeballs. Authors can self-publish books and utilise social media and word of mouth marketing to sell their books. Distributors are beginning to dictate pricing and thread the availability of books on their platforms as seen in the case of Amazon vs. Apple vs. Macmillan (seeApple vs. Amazon: The Great E-book War Has Already Begun). Also they have a huge information head start when it comes to customer needs or buying behaviour (they collect and utilise all the buying behaviour data online). Not to mention the ever demanding hunger of readers for new authors, different formats and sophisticated multimedia content. This is true especially for next generation of book buyers won't understan d why they can't access any information they want in a digital format.

Social Media andBook Publishers

Book publishers are at an enormous advantage to corporate or consumer brands. They have a vast amount of content, they have an existing, passionate community who want and love their products. On top of that, book fans are author/brand loyal groups of people. Books raise discussions and bring people togetherand online can help augment the book experience by bringing the readers into the inner workings of the publishers and authors on a daily basis.

So what to do here are some simple social media ideas to think about if you're a book publisher:

Become a social brand

Set up social media monitoring systems around the places your customers (readers, authors) hang out. Listen what they talk about, find topics which would make a good book and find emerging authors.

Using social media channels effectively

Engage with communities and leverage the influencers. Books are an emotional topic and readers trust the recommendation of peers much more than ay advertising. When it comes to book there are countless vibrant online communities, forums and bloggers consisting of deeply engaged readers and authors. So for new books for example find the bloggers opinion leaders and reach out to them. Do the same thing on Twitter and LinkedIn to create buzz and word of mouth campaigns. Make use of facebook fanpages for each author and create facebook groups around topics and feed them with your content arsenal. Leverage live streaming nowwithin facebook and provide weekly live readings of new books/authors. Have your authors interviewed on a regular basis and publish the content on internet radios or video portals.

Create platforms and a social media hub

The re-thinking of becoming a social brand as well as providing the authors with resources requires undoubtedly social media platforms. The publishers website needs to become a social hub where the authors will be promoted and can execute their own social media marketing. Obviously the authors can use their expertise in their field to produce excellent content for their publisher site inherent blogs for any kind of inbound marketing and/or SEO strategy. Create forums covering topics or authors readers are very much interested in authors, they want to interact with them and authors have much more to say then what is published in their books. Enable the offline interaction let your fans know where your authors are, where to speak to meet them in flesh!

Involve the reader into book development process

Monitor the social web to find hot topics for books. Enable authors to produce transmedia content or ask your community what to publish next to help developing ideas.

Create new formats and test them

Utilise technology to empower production of books in different formats and for different channels. Paper books, eBooks, mobile apps, multimedia, etc. and test what works best for which topic or audience. Not all will work the same way but publishers must have the flexibility to quickly produce and disseminate content/books to emerging upcoming distribution channels.

Define the niche

You'll need for the different content/book topics of your authors different social media strategies. Since you'll have completely different audiences with corresponding different user/reader behaviour you'll need to adjust the strategy accordingly.

And then?

When you got your head around that, you can begin engaging in the communities in earnest. Invite your authors into the discussions. Invite other passionate folks at the company. Stay friendly, and stay passionate and you can be sure your audience and community will grow over time.

For more information about social media and the book publishing industry please visit my site.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Chronological Study of Indian English Fiction with Social Perspectives

A Chronological Study of Indian English Fiction with Social Perspectives


(Department of English, COE, Teerthanker Mahaveer University,

Moradabad, U.P., India)


Fiction, an expression of the most intimate consciousness of life and society, form an impressive core of literature. Since as a creative process, fiction is an expression of the most powerful and intimate consciousness of life and society- the society in which it grows and develops, it has some purposes to fulfill them, some thoughts to be contemplated and some plans to be acted upon for the welfare of humanity. When it broods upon such different things, it witnesses changes taking place in life and society, and, therefore, these changes are reflected in the fictional world. Indian English fiction is also doing the same thing. Indian English fiction expresses thoughts, feelings and emotions in a rationale and interesting manner, and directly or indirectly throws light upon different changes in its own way. Hence, the reflection of change in different fields of Indian society manifests the significance and utility of the Indian creative writing in English. P.P.Mehta and P. N. Bhatt also think the same: "A work of art changes in course of time. Its structure is dynamic. This process has never been interrupted and the task of the historian is to describe this process."1

The Indian English fiction from its very beginning has witnessed socio-cultural, economic and political changes in the destiny of our nation. It was the time when the destiny of India was under the eclipse of the British rule. Many Indians were trying to come out from that dark shadow. For it, they made their first great protest known as Sepoy Mutiny in 1857. But it was crushed down by the British Government to barricade the Indians from the future revolts, the British Queen made the Proclamation (1858) to strengthen her policy. The Indians were divided once again on the ground of religion, caste, color, race and society, and they were denied even fundamental rights and liberties.

But it was not the end of the British oppression. These were the starting steps to the journey of troubles. The Indians were tortured with shocks of the partition of Bengal, the Hindu-Muslim divide and the ruthless suppression of patriotic feelings by the colonial rule. So to condemn the cruel and discriminatory attitude of the British Government and in order to actively register their protest and discontent voicing for political reforms, many Indians formed various political organizations like the Indian National Congress, the Muslim League, the Forward Block, the Home Rule Leagues, etc. and, in this way, played pivotal role in the struggle for the attainment of Independence. The colonial Government sensed the trouble and promised responsible government after the tensions of the First World War subsided. But this promise, after facing many problems and pressures, could be fulfilled only after the Second World War.

During the freedom struggle, many results came in. Amongst the most important outcomes were the emergence of socio-cultural consciousness and the growth of the spirit of nationalism in India, so strong that it led inevitably to the freedom of the country. Moreover, from that onwards the English educated Indians drank deeply at the wellsprings of the British liberal thoughts flourishing in England, and they were encouraged by the growth of an active and independence press both in English and vernacular.

In the meantime, a number of European and Indian scholars began to study the ancient India's philosophy, science, religion, culture and literature. This growing knowledge of India's past gave to the Indian people a sense of pride in their culture and civilization. It also helped the reformers like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Maharishi Devendranath Tagore, Keshab Chandra Sen, Dr Atmaran Pandurang, R.G. Bhandarkar, Mahadeva Govinda Ranade, Henry Vivian Derozio, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Sri Ramakrishna Paramhans, Swami Vivekananda, Mrs Annie Besant, Shiv Dayal Khatri, Guru Shaligram Sahib, Satyananda Agnihotri, Rabindra Nath Tagore, Aurobindo Ghose, Maulvi Chirag Ali, Sayyid Ahmad Khan, Mirza Ghulam Ahamd, Rajnarain Bose, Naba Gopal Cahtterjee, etc. in their works of religious and social reforms. For their struggle against social evils, economic backwardness of millions of Indians, feudalism, social disparities, the exploitation of women, loss of faith and values, illiteracy, suffer ing, slavery, superstitions and inhuman practices and customs, the reformers used the authority of the ancient Indian texts. In doings so, most of them based themselves on reason rather than mere belief and faith. They made use of their knowledge of Western ideas as well as of the ancient learning. Such movements of reforms were part and parcel of the socio-cultural consciousness of the Indians that led them to win their freedom. Moreover, the socio-cultural consciousness and the growth of the feelings of nationalism and achievement of national Independence gave a great impetus to the growth and development of Indian English fiction.

"In truth, the story of the novel has no end and no beginning."2 The generally accepted view is that the beginning of Indian English fiction is marked by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee's Rajmohun's Wife (1864). The novel was serialized in The Indian Field in 1864. It reveals the long-sufferings of a typical Hindu wife, Mantangni and the degradation of moral and social values of Mathur Ghose, Rajmohun and Bikha. His other novels, which were translated from Bengali into English, are Kapalkundla (1885) and Durgesh Nandni (1890). In these two novels, he imbibes patriotic feelings of Bengal and exposes the shams and hypocrisies of contemporary life and society, teaching the lessons of social and cultural values. The Bengali writers mainly dominated the period from 1864 to 1900. Widely known novelists of this period are Raj Lakshmi Debi, Toru Dutt, Lal Behari Dey, K. Charkavarti, Kamala Satthianandhan, Behramji Malabari, N.V. Pai, R.K. Pant, T.C. Mookerjee, A.P. Dutta and others. R aj Lakshmi Debi's The Hindu Wife (1876), a novel important from the cultural viewpoint, sets examples of cultural change. While Toru Dutta's maiden romance Bianca or The Young Spanish Maiden, published posthumously in 1879, is an autobiographical novel that presents hedonic and artistic values. Lal Behari Dey's Bengal Peasant Life or History of a Bengal Raiyat (1880), the best Indian English novel written in latter half of the nineteenth century, is a realistic novel which exposes various manifestations of exploitation by and tyranny of landlord, sahukar, priest, corrupt officials and foreign planters. Another novelist B. Malabari's Gujrat and the Gujratis (1882) contains local colour and vivid realistic picture of Gujrati life and society. While Nagesh Vishwanath Pai's Stray Sketches in Chakmakpore from the Note-Book of an Idle Citizen (1894) is remarkable for its thirty sketches of Bombay life. Kamala Satthianandhan is known for her renowned autobiographical novel, Saguna : A Story of Native Christian Life (1895), the first autobiographical novel in Indian English fiction . It depicts her own life till her marriage, presenting social, moral and religious values. Sarla and Hingana(1898) by K Chakravarti is a realistic story of Bengal village life. There are also some other novels like R.K. Pant's The Boy of Bengal (1866), The Scorpions or Eastern Thoughts (1868) by Tara Chand Mookerjee, The Indolence (1878) by Anand Prasad Dutta, Bijoy Chand: An Indian Tale (1888) by M. Dutta, etc. which deserve mention. In this experimental stage fiction- writing was newly developed industry in India. Therefore, the Western influence on it was visible clearly. Though most of the novelists of this period were influenced by their foreign masters and though their works are immature, they tried their best to treat contemporary issues, to present alternative patterns of values and to improve the condition of man and manners. Harish Raizada also feels the same :

As the appeal for improving the condition of Indian people and the relationship between India and England was to be made to the English rulers, many of the Indian writers chose to write in English, and as novel was a literary genre most suited to the proper representation of life and its problems, they took to fiction for expressing their views.3

While the first two decades of the twentieth century are noteworthy as they made their contribution to the growth and development of Indian English fiction in its seminal stage. It was the era of socio-cultural and national consciousness in which Indian English novelists also gave their limited contribution through their writings. Ramesh Chandra Dutta, a renowned Bengali novelist, translated two of his six novels-Sansar and Madhvi Kankan into English under the titles The Lake of Palms (1902) and The Slave Girl of Agra (1909) respectively. These novels aimed at the elimination of social evils and superstitions, desiring social reforms. Another novelist, Sir Joginder Singh's two historical novels- Nur Jahan (1909) and Nasrin (1915) and two romances- Kamla (1925) and Kamini (1931) expose wretched conditions of women and moral and spiritual degradation of Sultans, Nawabs, Zamindars, Rajahs, Taluquadars, priests, etc. Besides, other novels such as Love of Kusuma (1910) by Bal K rishna, 1001 Indian Nights (1905) and The Prince of Destiny (1909) by S.K. Ghose, Hindupore or A Peep Behind the Indian Unrest (1909) by S.M. Mitra, Padmini (1903) and The Dive for Death (1912) by T. Ramakrishna Pillai, Clarinda (1915) by A Madhaviah, Love and Life Behind the Purdah (1901) and Between the Twilights (1908) by Cornilia Sorabji, Bengal Decoits and Tigers (1916) by Maharani Sunity Devee, The Home and the World (1919) by R.N. Tagore, The Wheel of Destiny (1920) by C. Parthsarthy, etc show an awareness of the local colour, regional life and some true values through their thoughts and actions. Socio-cultural and political changes, social evils like casteism, purdah pratha, bal-vivah, poverty, exploitation, disparity, cultural-conflict, historical happenings, realism and romantic tales are common place in the novels of this period of national awakening. K. Venkata Reddy rightly says :

Parallel to this struggle for political freedom was a social struggle-a fight against superstition, casteism, poverty, illiteracy and many other social evils that were eating into the vitals of Indians society. The socio-political movement that had caught the imagination of the entire nation also inspired the Indian novelists in English who rightly realized that novel too had a vital role to play in it.4

Small wonder, therefore, if the Indian English novelists, right from the end of the second decade of the twentieth century, started focusing their attention largely on contemporary problems. Motivated by socio-cultural and political awareness and changed historical situation, they began to conceive of the state of values around them while presenting life and society realistically in their fictional world. Naturally in the pre-Independence era, novels like Rabindra Nath Tagore's The Wreck (1921) and Gora (1923), M.M. Banarji's Nanda, the Pariah Who Overcome Caste (1923), D.G. Mukharjee's Hari, the Jungle Lad (1924) and My Brother's Face (1925), K.S. Venktramani's Murugan, The Tiller (1927) and Kandan: The Patriot (1932), Mulkraj Anand's Untouchable (1935) and Coolie (1936), R.K. Narayan's Swami and Friends (1935), The Bechelor of Arts (1937), Krishnaswami Nagrajan's Athawar House (1937), Raja Rao's Kanthapura (1938), Ahmad Ali's Twilight in Delhi (1940), Humanyun Kabir's Me n and Rivers (1945), Khawaja Ahmad Abbas's Tomorrow Is Ours (1943) and Defeat For Death (1944), D.F. Karaka's Just Flesh (1940) and There Lay The City (1942) and other works gave firm footing to the Indian fiction in English and still have sparkles of alternative patterns of values, focusing on social concerns, stark realism, humanism, regional color, orthodox, liberal, progressive and Gandhian thoughts and rapidly changing historical and political situations. In this regard, Satish Kumar in his work A Survey of Indian English Novel says:

During this era the toddling Indian English novel, In spite of many hindrances and handicaps, has learnt to stand firmly on its legs. A conscious and artistic pattern has evolved itself. The novel has become a great literary force, a powerful medium for creating social and national awareness and for suggesting ways of changing society.5

The Indian fiction in English attains maturity, full flowering and wide acclaim in the post-Independence era. With the attainment of Independence, the novels experience a change in their themes and therfor, it "at once gains a new capacity to absorb many of the critical issues that have plagued it so far."6 So, the focus is shifted from the public to the private sphere. The inner dilemma- anxiety, alienation, frustration, detachment, involvement, self-condemnation, self approval, restlessness, sense of guilt, loneliness, nausea, etc. became the pinpoints for the themes of the novels of this age. With them the themes of current happenings, cross-cultural conflict, realism and fantasy, rural events, the traumatic experiences in the form of partition of India and Pakistan, Indo-China, and Indo-Pak wars, communal carnages, loss of faith and values, curse of industrialization and materialism, growing hostility among men, the growth of Indian ethos and sensibility, etc. are seen in the novels of the post-Independence fictionists like G.V. Desani, Bhabani Bhattacharya, Mulk Raj Anand, R.K. Narayan, Nirad C. Chaudhari, Khushwant Singh, Manohar Malgonkar, S.N. Ghose, B. Rajan, Kamala Markandeya and others. By the end of the Sixties and in the early Seventies the same themes were seen in the novels of Arun Joshi, Chaman Nahal, Jatin Mohan Ganguli, P.M. Nityananda, B.K. Karanjia, Timeri Murari, R.P. Jhabvalla, Attia Hussain, Anita Desai, Nayantara Sehgal, Nargis Dalal, Vimala Raina, Veena Paintal, Bharti Mukherjee, Anita Kumar. Thinking about the responsibility, function and contribution of the novelists of the post-Independence ere, Satish Kumar writes:

The novelist minutely analyses the significant and far-reaching changes in individual passing through period of over all transition. His observant and penetrating eye watches the evolution of new values and new morality. The creative artist alone is interested in these basic changes. Hence in these novels the basic changes in the individuality of man and the evolution of new values and new morality is integral to the theme, action and characterization. All the novelistshave sincerely and realistically recorded the revolutionary changes in human outlook and, thus, they have envisioned a new social order.7

In the Eighties, yet another breed of Indian fictionists in English emerged. It included Salman Rushdie, Vikram Seth, Upmanyu Chatterjee, Allan Seally, Shashi Deshpande, Namita Ghkhle, Shashi Tharoor, Farukh Dhondi, Amitav Ghosh, Bapsi Sidhwa, Brinda Mukherjee, Ipsita Roy Chakraverti, Sudhir Kakkar, Dina Mehta, Dolly Ramanujan, Arundhati Roy, Jhumpa Lahiri, Shauna Singh. Apart from these, some lesser writers have also emerged on the contemporary scene such as Shiv K. Kumar, Saros Cowasjee, Vasant A. Shahane, K.V. Subbaram, Ranga Roa, Raj Gill, Balaraj Khanna, etc. The most significant and praiseworthy outcome of this emergence is that the Indian English novelists are now writing with new visions, new themes, new technical and linguistic devices, new ease and a new confidence, making experiment in their works and winning international recognition and acclaim, which insures a bright future for the Indian fiction in English. In this regard the following statement of Satish Ku mar is remarkable:

Indeed, the veteran masters of Indian English novel have the Indian novel in English seated fairly and firmly on a high pedestal in the literature of the world.Indian English novel no doubt will grow from strength to strength and help to make us a new nation and a new people wedded to the tasks of national reconstruction and international harmony'. It's future is immense.8

Today, when the Indian English fiction has finally created its own standing at the international level, it would be indeed interesting and significant to know about the changes taken place in Indian society. Moreover, the most significant outcome of these changes is that Indian English writers are now writing with a new zeal and confidence and blending social aspects and phenomenal situation in their fictional world.


[1]. Mehta P.P. and P.N.Bhatt. Theory of Literature. Bareilly: Prakash Book Depot, 1995. 170.

[2]. Neill, Diana. A Short History of the English Novel. New Dlhi: Kalyani Publishers, 1979. 09.

[3]. Raizada, Harish. The Lotus and the Rose: Indian Fiction in English. Aligarh: A.M.U., 1978. 22.

[4]. Reddy, K. Venkata and P. Bayappa Reddy, ed. The Indian Novel

with a Social Purpose. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 1999. 1-2.

[5]. Kumar, Satish. A Survey of Indian English Novel. Bareilly: Prakash

Book Depot, 1996. 53.

[6]. Naik, M.K., ed. Aspects of Indian Writing in English. New Delhi: Macmillan, 1999. 06.

[7]. Kumar, Satish. A Survey of Indian English Novel. Op. cit. 62.

[8]. Kumar, Satish. A Survey of Indian English Novel. Op. cit. 305.

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Gandhi In Indian Fiction

Gandhi in Indian Fictio

Gandhi is introduced into the Indian English fiction in various ways. He appears as a character in Mulk Raj Anand's Untouchable (1935), The Sword and the Sickle (1942) and Little Plays of Mahatma Gandhi (1991), KA. Abbas's Inqilab (1955), R.K. Narayan's Waiting for the Mahatma (1955) and Nagarajan's Chronicles of Kedaram (1961). Though he does not appear as a character in KS. Venkataramani's Murugan, the Tiller (1927) and Kandan, the Patriot (1932) or Raja Rao's Kanthapura (1938), Gandhi is the driving force and is represented by idealized characters. Gandhi's followers appear in Bhabani Bhattacharya's So Many Hungers! (1947), Mrs. Sahgal's A Time to be Happy (1957) and R.K. Narayan's The Vendor of Sweets (1967).

In The twenties and early thirties, Gandhi was not the undisputed leader of the masses. There were many who did not have faith in his non-violent non-cooperation movement. But his social reforms like eradication of untouchability, and picketing toddy shops and sarvodaya ideals received the attention of one and all. The humiliated and long neglected section of the society at last found one who championed their cause. Many Indian English novelists like K.S. Venkataramani and Mulk Raj Anand felt that Gandhi was more effective as a social reformer. This is clearly revealed in their Murugan, the Tiller, Kandan, the Patriot, and Untouchable respectively.

. By the late thirties and forties, Gandhi with his successful Salt Satyagrahha proved to the world the effectiveness of nonviolent struggle for independence. Apart from his ahimsa, his love of truth and spirit of sacrifice made him the guiding spirit of the Indian freedom struggle. Influenced by him, many sacrificed what little they had for the sake of making India a free country. This is best illustrated by characters like Devesh Basu in Bhabani Bhattacharya's So Many Hungers! And the young Raja Raman in Manjeri Isvaran's "Between Two Flags." K.S. Venkataramani believes that economic reforms must be based on the revival of village life. Murugan, Ramachandran and Kethari are the three important characters in the novel. All of them belong to the village of Alavandi. Kethari becomes a lawyer, Ramachandran with all his love for village life is forced to work in a provincial town. Before leaving Alavandi, he has to sell the lands he inherited from his ancestors. Murugan the h onest tiller, under the influence of one Thoppai, opens a toddy shop. By the time they come together again after a long time, realize that one can lead a contented life by tilling one's three acres of land. Sarvodaya ideals are always in the background but in the climax "they actually become the hero." As Ramaswami dcribes, Murugan, the Tiller is "a novel of Gandhian ideals.

K.S.Venkatarmani dedicates Kandan, the Patriot to "the unknown volunteers in India's fight for freedom." Kandan is an Oxford graduate and gains entry into the I.C.S. But he gives up his glittering post and decides to do some public work" which includes working for political freedom, social emancipation and progress. Though Gandhi himself does not figure in the novel, he dominates by proxy. It is his ideals and aspirations that the heroes of the novel are implementing. Kandan is a patriot as well as a social reformer. Kandan joins the nationalists who are offering satyagraha at Tarangambadi. He dies "when the police open fire to disperse the satyagrahis.

While Venkataramani is attracted by Gandhi's Sarvodaya ideal, Gandhi's love for the outcastes and his efforts to eradicate untouchability draw Anand to Gandhi. Anand visited Sabarmati to show the script of his novel Bakha' to Gandhi and draw inspiration and strength from him. Anand was impressed by Gandhi's sincerity, love of truth and love for the downtrodden. Anand admits: "the warmth towards Bakha. which has made this character lovable to many people. may, to some extent, have emerged from my warmth towards the person of Gandhi."
Anand introduces Gandhi as a character in Untouchable. Anand is objective in his portrayal of Gandhi. He makes the innocent victim, Bakha, listen to every word of Gandhi in rapt attention, with the hope that his misery and humiliation would come to an end. But Gandhi offers no immediate solution. Instead. it is the machine-flush system, that raises some hope of relief in Bakha, the untouchable. In The Sword and the Sickle, Anand shows how Lalu, the protagonist, though impressed b Gandhi's peasant-like appearance and sincerity, refuses to be convinced of the effectiveness of Gandhi's non-violent struggle. Both in Untouchable and The Sword and the Sickle, Anand questions the effectiveness of Gandhian solution to the problems of untouchables and the peasants.

Unlike Mulk Raj Anand,Raja Rao does not present Gandhi as a character in Kanthapur'a. Nevertheless, he gives a vivid and faithful account of the impact of Gandhi on rural India. The image of Gandhi as presented by Raja Rao is an exemplary image because to him Gandhi is an avatar of Vishnu. Too many people in Kantlhapra, Gandhi is the invisible God and Moorthy is the visit avatar. Moorthy's efforts to eradicate untouchability and make the villagers spin, weave and wear hand-spun cloth meet with some resistance. As C.D. Narasimhaiah points out: "For throughout the novel idealization is accompanied by constant disapprovals of this Gandhi business' and Gandhi vagabond- age.' the cynicism of friends, and hostilitiesveiled and open from neighbours." But Moorthy slowly succeeds in making the freedom struggle take roots in Kanthapura, the oppressive government uses brute force against the villagers, some of them die and others leave Kanthapura and settle in a new village. Moorthy is drawn towards the Congress activities led by Jawaharlal Nehru. Though Kanthapura is destroyed in the physical sense of the word by the imperialist government, the spirit of the villagers remains undaunted. They believe, "He will bring us Swaraj, the Mahatma. And we shall be happy."

As in Kanthapura, in The Cow of the Barricades (1947) also, Raja Rao deals with the fight for India's freedom and Gandhi's impact on people. Gandhi, as in Kanthapura, is in the background. On the advice of the Master, the apostle of peace, people stop buying foreign cloth, stop serving the red-men's government and refuse to pay taxes. The workmen build barricades to prevent the army from entering the city. But the Master says: "No barricades in the name of the Mahatma, for much blood will be spilt. No, there shall be no battle, brothers."

The tense situation appears to make Gauri the cow, the central figure of the short story, sad. Somebody even sees "a tear, clear as a drop of Ganges" running down her cheeks. When the city is about to be assaulted by the red-men's army, Gauri climbs the top of the barricades. The crowd, the workmen begin to chant Vande Mataram. Soon, the red-men's army joins the crowd and all of them begin to shout "Victory to the Mahatma, Mahatma Gandhi ki jai!" Angered at this, the chief of the army fires a shot and kills Gauri. Then, peace comes back to the people. Gauri symbolizes Mother India. Gandhi always wanted India to be a land of peace with unwavering faith in ahimsa and love every one like a mother with infinite compassion. Raja Rao makes Gauri Verily, the Mother, herself, Bharat Mata, Mother India.

Like Raja Rao, Bhabani Bhattacharya in his novel So Many hungers! presents the impact of Gandhi on people through the
idealized character, Devesh Basu: A truly Gandhian characterin precept as well as practiceDevesh Basu stands for love, truth, and non-violence. He is called Devata by the villagers. Though more than seventy. he is energetic and always inspired by Gandhian ideology. He runs a school for the villagers. He says: "Mass literacy is a danger for the rulers. It would. They know, make the trampled ones conscious of their birthrightthe right to live as human beings. Devata is non-violent both in thought and action. As with Gandhi, his love embraces all. He dislikes the British rule in India but not the British.

Devata is not only inspired but inspiring. Consequently, Rahoul, a budding professor and Kajoli, a peasant-girl, join the liberation movement. After her village is destroyed by the police, Kajoli seeks shelter in Calcutta. As a result of the famine and man-made scarcity, she finds none coming forward to help her and her mother. Finally, she makes her grim decision. "She would sell the last thing she ownedherself." At this juncture, she hears the news that Devata is fasting unto death in the prison. Devata's advice asking the villagers not to betray the flag and themselves rings in her ears. Though "hunger-trapped," she decides to be "strong" and becomes a newspaper vendor. She is really "a living tricolor."

While the young Rahoul in Bhabani Bhattacharya's So Many Hungers! Sacrifices his job for the sake of the country. sixteenyear-old Raja Raman in Manjeri lsvaran's short story "Between Two Flags," sacrifices his future in response to Gandhi's call. Though Raja Raman is only sixteen. He loves India so much that he does not like the presence of the British in India He refuses to salute the Union Jack at school, He is not deterred by the threatening words of the Headmaster. He has so much faith in Gandhi that he visualizes free India and tells his father: "I salute the flag of my country and the empire for which it stands, with many nations but all one and indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. But his father, a loyal pillar of the alien government, thinks that what Gandhi and the Congress have been propagating is nothing but nonsense. He decides that his son must be put out of mischief's way. So he slaps his son. As a result Raja Raman experiences a conflict of loyalt iesloyalty to the Union Jack and royalty to Gandhi. He thinks: It was an insult to our Motherland, an insult to our respect, to go on saluting the Union Jack when our patriots were being gagged and muzzled, beaten and thrown into goals by the white men.

So he decides to leave his father, mother and sister and join the freedom struggle. But before he leaves his home, he breaks into pieces the portrait of King George V. He does not return home even after India gains independence. No one knows what the alien government did to him. Nobody knows whether he is alive or not: "But he remains as the deathless symbol of an independent spirit that has won, waving the banner of Free India, singing the song of ecstasy."

The image of Gandhi as presented by Manjeri S. Isvaran is that of one who turns ordinary younger men into a new type of warrior'the soldiers of the non-violent army, who sacrifice their future for making India independent.
Thus, a study of the pre-Independence Indian English fiction dealing with Gandhi reveals certain facets of his image. K.S. Venkataramani presents Gandhi as an agrarian reformer with his s.arvodaya ideal and as a nationalist with patriotic fervour. Mulk Raj Anand shows Gandhi as an ineffective social reformer with his programme of removal of untouchability and with his movement of non-violence. Raja Rao reveals the impact of Gandhi on Indian scene, showing how he produced thousands of little Gandhis and how he spread the message of peace throughout the country. Bhabani Bhattacharya and Manjeri S. Isvaran depict the tremendous influence that Gandhi exercised on a few individuals in India who translate into action what he stood for.

A critical reader cannot but observe that R.K. Narayan, K.A. Abbas and Nagarajan in a way, anticipate the course of events in post-Independence India. Gandhi had no illusions regarding his followers with the exception of a few like Jawaharlal Nehru and Patel. Most of the others have their own interests at heart. This is clearly brought out by the portrayal of Seth Manekla! Shah ii Inqilab of Abbas, (he Chairman and the timber-contractor in R.K. Narayan's Waiting for the Mahatma, Jagan in The Vendor of Sweets and Vanchi in Nagarajan's Chronicles of Kedaram. They are always ready to use Gandhism as a stepping stone for their upward climb to power and popularity. However, the majority of the characters, the average men and women, who form the silent, patient majority of society, are sincere in their loyalty to Gandhi and ideals. These are best illustrated by such clracters as Anwar in Inqilab and Nirmala in Chronicles of Kedaram. Their faith never wavers and their loyalty is never shaken.

In Inqilab, K.A. Abbas presents Gandhi as a votary of Hindu-Muslim unity with his unflinching faith in the oneness of
religion and as an apostle of non-violence. The protagonist, the young Anwar Au's baptism into Gandhism takes place at the highly impressionable age of eight. Every day, Anwar sits besides his father and listens to the elders talking about Rowlatt Bills. Martial Law, Hartal. Congress, Muslim League, Gandhi's satyagraha and ahimsa. Of them: "two things instinctively appealed to himnot to obey the unjust laws of the Government and not to kill any one." He learns from his father the meaning of Swaraj. Thus, Anwar is influenced by Gandhi even before he meets him. He remembers what Gandhi repeatedly tells people about religion. Gandhi declares: "My Hindu instinct tells rue that all religions are more or less true. All proceed from the same God, but all are imperfect because they have come down to us through imperfect' human instrumentality." Anwar is happy because people appear to have understood the importance of Gandhi's words: "These were exciting and memorable days' Seldom before had Hindus and Muslims fraternized so openly, so enthusiastically." Anwar proudly tells his father: "I also like Mahatina Gandhi."
Unlike Bakha in Untouchable, Lalu Singh in The Sword and the Sickle and Sriram in Waiting for the Mahatma, the young Anwar in inqilab appears to have understood Gandhi well. So in the midst of the people who have forgotten camaraderie and bonhomie that have existed till yesterday. and who have now started killing each other in the name of religion. Gandhi remains the only peace-maker to Anwar. He decides to meet Gandhi in spite of his father's newly developed hatred of Hindus.

Gandhi greets Anwar with a smile and asks him to sit down. Anwar does not know how to convey his anguish to the Mahatma. He bursts into tears. Then The Charkha stopped creaking and the Mahatma without saying a word, moved towards the boy and put a. hand over his head, taking off the fez cap and gently stroking Anwar's short hair. There is such tenderness in his touch that Anwar felt even more helpless and sobbed, violently. Oh Mahatmaji,' he cried out between the sobs, please do something about these Hindu-Muslim riots. Please! Please! only you can save us all."

After saying these words, he looks at Gandhi's face and feels relieved: "Now he knew why they called him Mahatma, a Great Soul. On his face was look of such suffering, kindness and pity, as if he personally felt the misery of every single human being." Instead of "mocking" a whimpering boy, Gandhi gives him an understanding smile. The voice of God or the Inner Voice shows Gandhi the way and he undertakes fast for twenty-one days. The riots immediately stop.

The image of Gandhi as presented by Abbas is objective. He presents an estimate of Gandhi both by his admirers and by people who differ from him. Nehru disagrees with Gandhian theory of trusteeship. Some are angry with Gandhi for supporting the Railway labourers and they call Gandhi bania'seller of flour and pulses. Even Anwar does not approve of certain actions of Gandhi. He wonders why Gandhi does not dissuade people from touching his feet or carries away the dust "sanctified by his bare feet": "Anwar found his earlier feeling of exultation
considerably chilled by the religious aspect of the Mahatma's Satyagraha. (286) Perhaps, this is the view of Abbas also.

While Gandhi appears only in a few scenes in Inqilab, he appears more prominently in R.K, Naravan's waiting the .Mahatma. Naravan's Gandhi loves truth and children, enforces discipline. Lives with the untouchables, preaches non-violence, stays where people are suffering and inspires people to take part in the freedom movement. He sees an untouchable boy on the premises of the Municipal Chairman's spruced up bungalow.' He immediately goes to stay in the colony of untouchables. As S.C. Harrex observes: Although many critics have found Narayan's portrait of Gandhi unconvincing, Gandhi does come alive in the above sceneparticularly as a reformer interested in untouchables as individual persons, as a teacher who influences others by example"

Gandhi once again comes alive when he refuses to attend the independence day celebrations. Instead, he goes to Calcutta where fresh riots break out because his "place was where people were suffering and not where they were celebrating." Followed by Bharati and others, Gandhi visits villages affected by communal riots. He consoles the victims of riots. He forbids everyone to refer to anyone in terms of religion as Muslims, Hindus or Sikhs. He pities the perpetrators of the crimes. He asks Bharati to take care of the children who have lost their parents in the riots. The children are given the names of flowers and birds and no one knows whether they are Muslim children or Hindu. Thus Narayan presents an exemplary image of Gandhi.

But Narayan's intention is to show Gandhi's impact on the average Indian and to present an ironic portrayal of the response of some persons to Gandhi's teachings. Sriram, the protagonist, does not know the difference between Subhas Bose and Gandhi. He becomes a follower of Gandhi so that he can be near Bharati, the foster daughter of Gandhi, whom he loves, He weaves, wears hand-spun cloth, reads the Gita and takes part in the Quit India movement in his own way. When India becomes a free country, he feels proud of himself because he has contributed his mite to the freedom struggle. The timber-contractor has Gandhi's portrait in his house, donates five thousand rupees to the Harijan Fund. But he does not apply Gandhian ideology to daily life. As he is .fraid of the authorities, he attends the loyalist meetings. The Municipal Chairman spends a lot of money in welcoming Gandhi. But he belongs to the group of people who want to raise their stock by staying close to the Mahatma.

If Sriram in Waiting for the Mahatma' becomes a follower of Gandhi for the sake of the woman he loves, Jagan in The Vendor of Sweets becomes a follower of Gandhi because he ardently desires to be revered as a follower of Gandhi. Gandhi's speech at Malgudi explaining the real significance of human action and service inspires Jagan. As a result Jagan
joined the movement for freeing India from foreign rule and gave up his studies, home and normal life and violated the British laws of the time. Neither the beatings from the police nor the successive periods of prison life ever touched him when he remembered that he was performing service.

He goes on chanting the name of Bapu day in and day out and always tells others that every action Of his is influenced by Gandhian principles. He spins every day for an hour and wears hand-spun cloth. He wears only "ahimsak chappals"sandals made from the hide of animals that died a natural death.

However, Narayan soon reveals the true colours of Jagan:
"His reminiscential mood slurring over the fact that he had failed several times in the B.A., ceased to attend the college and had begun to take his examination as a private candidate long before the cause of Gandhi.' He pulps the left-over sweets back and fries them afresh in a new shape. When he sees a hungry vagrant begging for a handful of rice, he thinks that vagrant is a disgrace to the nation because the latter is not begging for public cause. He hoodwinks the tax officials because "Gandhi had made no reference to the sales tax anywhere." Like Gandhi, he renounces everything, but not his cheque-book. Thus, Narayan, the comic novelist, presents the response of certain people to Gandhian ideology in his own characteristic ironical way.

Like R.K. Naravan, Nagarajan also presents an exemplary image of Gandhi in his Chronickls of Kedara,n. Like Jagan in The Vendor of Sweets, Vanchi in Chronicle's of Kedararn subverts Gandhian ideals to feather his own nest. But Nagarajan presents characters like Nirmala who adore Gandhi and adopt his teachings in their daily life to the last dot.

In Chronicles of Kedaram, Gandhi appears in just two scenes. He accepts the invitation of Vanchinatha Sastri, the president of the local Congress Committee and visits Kedaram. Then, he addresses the people and resolves the long-standing dispute between the two Iyengar sects. Nirmala, under the impact of Gandhi, begins to work for harijan welfare. Later, she gives away all her assets to be used for the uplift of Harjans and joins Gandhi in Sabarmati. Koni's father has a high regard for Gandhi: "Gandhi was a saintly man, that he was working for the people and, in doing so, even went to the length of opposing the Government."

While Nagarajan presents Gandhi in his Chronicles of Kedarani as one who offers a healing touch to the feuding factions and at the same time like R.K.Naravan shows how pseudo followers like Vanchi exploit him for their selfish ends. Mulk Raj Anand strives to present the multifaceted personality of Gandhi in his Little Plays of Mahatnia Gandhi. Gandhi appears as a character in Untouchable. He offers only a few words of solace to Bakha, the protagonist, who belongs to the suffering class. Anand once again introduces Gandhi as a character in The Sword and the Sickle. Neither Lal Singh, the protagonist, nor the revolutionary group which teaches him political lessons has much respect for Gandhian principles. Thus in both Untouchable and The Sword and the Sickle, no immediate Gandhian solution is offered to the raging issues.

Thus, a study of the pre-Independence and the post-Independence Indian English fiction reveals that the principal Indian English novelists who were profoundly affected by Gandhi are K.S. Venkataramani, Mulk Raj Anand, Raja Rao, R.K. Narayan, Bhabani Bhattacharya, K.A. Abbas, Nagarajan and Charnan Nahal. Each of these novelists seeks to present Gandhi in his own characteristic way. If some novelists like Venkatararnani. Raja Rao and Bhabani Bhattacharya prefer to delineate the impact of Gandhi's impassioned idealism, hope and optimism on certain individuals and on Indian social life at large, others like Mulk Raj Anand, R.K. Narayan, K.A. Abbas, Nagarajan and Chaman Nahal present Gandhi as a character in their fiction.

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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Social Networking Sites Are Highly Susceptible To Malicious Attacks

Social websites have become the new breeding ground malwares. The first is a Trojan called Asprox.N, delivered via email informing users their Facebook account is being used to distribute spam. The email includes a fake Word document attachment that can downloads another file designed to open all available ports, connecting to mail service providers in an attempt to spam as many users as possible.

The second malware, Lolbot.Q, is distributed across instant messaging applications such as AIM or Yahoo!, with a message displaying a malicious link designed to hijack Facebook accounts, blocking users' access while informing that the account has been suspended. To "reactivate" their account, Victims can restore access to their Facebook account only once they subscribe to the service and receive a new password.

However a recent study indicates that users of social networking websites potentially put themselves at risks to hackers and identify thieves because they engage in risky behavior. Users can minimize their risks of becoming victim by changing online behaviors. The report suggests to guard social security numbers and bank account numbers, take caution when downloading files, and installing certain protective software.

According to research done by the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) and software firm Computer Associates, 74 percent of user divulge personal information, including email addresses and birthdays. Some users even download unknown files; respond to unsolicited emails or instant messages, all of which may lead to identity theft or virus attacks. Adults who use social networking sites may be putting themselves and their businesses at risk as well the report suggests. Of those who have access to a computer at work, 46 percent engage in social networking at the office, potentially making the workplace vulnerable to online security threats.

Security company Panda Labs has discovered an online service that promises to hack into Facebook accounts for $100. They claim they will provide "clients" with login and password information to access any account on the social network. "In the case of celebrities or other well-known entities, they can be used to defame the account holder, spread information in their name, etc. In any event, this is criminal activity."

"The service's real purpose may be hacking Facebook accounts as they say, or profiting from those that want to try the service," says PandaLabs Technical Director Luis Corrons. "In any case, the Web page is very well designed. It is easy to contract the service and become either the victim of an online fraud, or a cyber-criminal and accomplice in identity theft. Once an intruder hacks into a Facebook account, all personal data published on the site can be stolen."

In order to stay safe and protect users from getting hacked, the popular social networking site Facebook is rolling out a new set of security features. Facebook, with over 500-million members, has added the ability for users to login and surf the site using a more secure encrypted connection, known as HTTPS. The encryption is the same used on shopping and banking websites to secure connections, and was previously used on Facebook when passwords are checked. It keeps malicious users from spying on your account and seeing your password, among other things. The new security option is available for some users now, but will be rolled out to everyone over the next few weeks, Facebook says. But to get the extra shield, users have to go into settings and turn it on.

These report findings clearly points out that data breaches are very common these days. One way to mitigate Internet security risks is through technical security training. EC-Council's brand new TakeDownCon is a technical information security conference series, in addition to learning from some of the best security experts, TakeDownCon also offers highly sought after technical training courses, including the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) course, often touted as the world's most comprehensive ethical hacking training program.

The CEH Program certifies individuals in the specific network security discipline of Ethical Hacking from a vendor-neutral perspective. The Certified Ethical Hacker certification will fortify the application knowledge of security officers, auditors, security professionals, site administrators, and anyone who is concerned about the integrity of the network infrastructure. A Certified Ethical Hacker is a skilled professional who understands and knows how to look for the weaknesses and vulnerabilities in target systems and uses the same knowledge and tools as a malicious hacker.

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Monday, February 10, 2014

Define a Blog

What is a Blog?

Information sites are an additional kind of web site. The content is generally organized by date and category using the most current post/content displaying very first. Blogs are also easier to setup than websites, and due to this reason people are frequently lured into considering information sites are a better choice than websites. Get a godaddy coupon here for a discount.

It also doesn't appear as expert to use a weblog address like or Hosting is so inexpensive these days that it's worth spending a couple of additional dollars to personal your content material and use a actual blog tackle. Having a self hosted blog, all your content sits on the hosting account that you personal. Your blog tackle is more expert and simple to keep in mind simply because you are able to use a true domain like

How to Create a Weblog Site

The easiest method to create a weblog website is by utilizing a ready-made weblog tool. The blog application has built-in functionality such as posting articles, HTML editor, commenting, archive, and a lot more. The most popular weblog tools use a big supporting community. You is going to be capable to discover free themes for your weblog and customize it the way you like.

Utilizing the assist of a weblog application you needn't be a web designer or developer to share your views utilizing the world. In the following pages you will find brief instructions on how to construct your personal weblog by utilizing two of the most popular blog applications:

What's a weblog?

People produce blogs to share their thoughts using the globe. An individual writing in the journal is known as a blogger. Bloggers write about various topics: in the standard daily situations to the progress of some sci entific researches. The readers also can leave comments and therefore make the entire weblog more interesting and helpful.

How did Information sites Begin?

Blogs are component from the Globe Broad Web since its creation. In the beginning they did not use a defined name, but their purpose was a lot more or much less the exact same as that of contemporary information sites. Here is a checklist of the very first information sites. Dawn of Internet: Tim Berners-Lee at CERN starts maintaining a checklist of all new sites as they arrive online. June 1993: NCSA's oldest archived 'What's New' list of websites. June 1993: Netscape starts running it's 'What's New!' checklist of sites. January 1994: Justin Hall launches Justin's House Page which would become Links from the Underground. April 1997: Dave Winer launches Scripting News. December 1997: Jorn Barger coins the term 'weblog''.

Domain Registrar Info

A domain identify registrar is an organization or commercial entity, accredited by the web Corporation for Assigned Nam es and Numbers (ICANN) or by a national country code top-level domain (ccTLD) authority, to handle the reservation of Web domain names in accordance using the guidelines from the specified domain name registries and provide such services towards the public.

Until 1999, Network Solutions (NSI) operated the com, net, and org registries. It was the domain name registry operator for these domains as nicely as the sole registrar. Nevertheless, a number of organizations had developed independent registrar providers. One such organization, NetNames, invented the idea of the commercial standalone domain name registration service in 1996.
Thus, registrars introduced the concept of domain name sales and other associated providers, effectively introducing the retail model into the industry and assigning a wholesale role towards the registries. NSI assimilated this model, which ultimately led to the separation of registry and registrar functions.

What is really a Weblog?

Blogs are an additional type of website. The content is generally organized by date and category using the most current post/content displaying first. Information sites are also simpler to setup than web sites, and because of this cause individuals are often lured into thinking blogs are a better choice than websites.

Ways to Create a Blog

The easiest way to produce a blog site is by utilizing a ready-made blog tool. The weblog application has built-in functionality such as posting articles, HTML editor, commenting, archive, and a lot more. The most well-liked weblog resources use a large supporting community. You is going to be able to find free of charge themes for your blog and customize it the way you like.

With the assist of a weblog application you needn't be a internet designer or developer to share your thoughts with the world. In the following pages you 'll discover brief guidelines on how you can build your personal weblog by using two from the most well-liked weblog applications:

What's a blog?

There are various descriptions of that idea. According to most from the content articles on the internet 'blog' is short for 'weblog', a often updated publication of comments and views on the web. Generally it is reflecting the views from the blog's creator. Information sites consist of text and images and are sorted by date. The newest information is on the top and there is an archive of the old a single.

How did Blogs Start?

Blogs are part of the World Wide Internet because its creation. In the beginning they did not use a defined identify, but their purpose was more or less precisely the same as that of contemporary information sites. Here is a list of the very first blogs. Dawn of Web: Tim Berners-Lee at CERN starts keeping a checklist o f all new sites as they arrive online. June 1993: NCSA's oldest archived 'What's New' list of sites. June 1993: Netscape starts running it's 'What's New!' list of websites. January 1994: Justin Hall launches Justin's Home Page which would turn out to be Links in the Underground. April 1997: Dave Winer launches Scripting News. December 1997: Jorn Barger coins the term 'weblog''.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Tips for selecting the ideal autoresponder service

Email marketing is a part of internet marketing which ensures long term income for any business. If the appropriate email marketing campaign is executed in the right manner, then it would be conveying your promotional message to a large audience belonging to the interests, profession or region which you target, in the quickest time span. Choosing a the best autoresponder service is extremely critical in nature for any business which uses the email marketing as a means to promote its business.

Internet marketing has turned out to be vast field which involves numerous sophisticated tasks and applications. By the employing the right applications and right software for the right purpose, you can make your job much more convenient and easier. Choosing the best autoresponder is also one of the tasks which when done perfectly can make your professional life much easier and hassle free.

There are several autoresponders available for individuals and businesses to use. These autoresponders enclose multiple useful features and attributes. However, the key to success is not to get hold of the autoresponder which has the highest sophisticated features, but actually, it is to get the autoresponder which is perfect for you according to your requirements and which performs the tasks flawlessly which you frequently perform. In selecting the best autoresponder, you should keep in mind your requirements and benefits which you seek from an autoresponder.

One of the things which you should consider while looking for an autoresponder is the number of subscribers which you have in your list. Typically, autoresponder service providers charge on the basis of the subscribers on your list. The higher number of subscribers means the higher price for the autoresponder. So basically, your budget plays a vital role in selecting the ideal autoresponder for you. For a high fixed price, you can even get an autoresponder service which would offer unlimited subscribers.

Besides the number of subscribers, sometimes you might require your autoresponder to have different groups or categories of subscribers in separate lists. This depends on the types of audience which you wish to target. Just like autoresponder service providers charge on the basis of number of subscribers on your list, similarly, autoresponder service providers also charge on the basis of number of lists of the subscribers. Hence, if you wish to target different types of audiences and you have more than one lists of subscribers, then you should for the more expensive autoresponder services which offer such features, if not, then such sophisticated autoresponder services would be of no use for you.

As a rule, whenever you opt to buy any sophisticated technology, make sure that you have the facility of complete customer support from the company. Autoresponder service being a classy technology piece might require customer support from the service provider and when you are choosing the right autoresponder service, make sure that the service provider from which you are acquiring the autoresponder should offer you absolute customer support. This could be extremely crucial at times. Because occasionally you may require a support team which would effectively answer all your queries pertaining to the autoresponder.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Saturday, February 8, 2014

It Pays To Have High Quality Autoresponders

Since autoresponders are like bridges that connects you to your customers, it is an advantage that you have high quality autoresponders to represent you online. Autoresponders provide a personalized communication to your customers making your web site experience more meaningful. By having high quality autoresponders, you are implying to your customers that keeping in touch with them is a highly valued aspect of your online business.

It is every aim of serious business persons to not only achieve customer satisfaction but more so to achieve customer delight. High quality autoresponders can boost customer delight when executed efficiently. It will not only drive sales but also repeat business. Online marketers must realize the importance of a high quality autoresponder and not just settle to mediocre autoresponders.

Since there are too many autoresponder products available, it will be ideal that you go over the products' features meticulously and choose which one is the easiest and most cost effective autoresponder tool. Choose high quality autoresponders that are very trustworthy and will allow you to capture more visitor sign ups.
High quality autoresponders will give you the opportunity to share information to your prospective customers. It is essential that the information you share to them is also valuable and not trash. They might not open your next emails or newsletters if you fail to impress them with the information that you want them to read.

For maximum service, opt for unlimited autoresponders that will permit you to send unlimited follow-ups and newsletters. Remember that autoresponders can do many tasks for you. That is why if possible, the service must not be limited. Aside from sending regular updates, autoresponders can also do confirmation of a transaction or acknowledgment email when an internet user visits your site.

Autoresponders can also do after sales correspondence with your customers. This method will encourage more repeat sales as well. High quality autoresponders are needed if you want to do various tasks via an autoresponder. There may be man y very cheap autoresponders in the market, but be keen about the extent of features their tool can offer.

High quality autoresponders need not be expensive. With the tight competition among high quality autoresponders, you will surely find one that will suit your online business best. High quality autoresponders will enable you to set up things when it comes to customer servicing. You will be properly guided, thus, saving your time and effort from doing unnecessary mistakes.

Most, if not all, of these autoresponder tools will also provide easy-to-follow instructions in going about their tools. So, do not hesitate if you are not too knowledgeable about the technical side of the internet. Many online marketers have proven that by using high quality autoresponders, they were able to generate more subscribers for their ezines or newsletters.

With the convenience that a good autoresponder tool can provide, they are able to respond to their custome rs quickly and more efficiently. Utilize your creativity and imagination so that you will be able to maximize the benefits of autoresponders for your business. Using autoresponders is your way of thanking your customers or subscribers, so do not think twice of employing a high quality autoresponder.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Friday, February 7, 2014

17 Powerful Ways to Use a Professional-grade Email Autoresponder to Build Your Business

Email autoresponders are extremely powerful indispensable marketing tools for any business on the Internet whether that business is an online business or an offline business with an Internet presence. There is no better marketing tool currently available for consistent controlled communications to your customers, potential customers, and even employees, partners, and suppliers. This article reveals 17 powerful ways to use your autoresponder; the primary focus is for business applications, but autoresponders can also be used for non-business applications as well.

Before we cover the various applications of email autoresponders, lets cover what an autoresponder is An autoresponder is a webserver-based software application that sends a pre-written sequence of emails (text or HTML) according to a pre-defined schedule when someone joins (or is added to) your email list.

Application #1 Sales Messages:
The m ost obvious business use for your autoresponder is to provide a sequence of sales messages when a potential customer completes a form on your web page or clicks a link to join via email. The best way to get prospects to join your sales stream is to offer them something of value for signing up (e.g., a free report, newsletter, ebooks, or simply a link to a website).

Application #2 Training:
A slightly less obvious application for your autoresponder is to provide a mini-course, or even a massive training course. For example, you can sign up to receive a free mini-course about how to use Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising and even get your PPC ads for 80% to 90% lower cost at Or you can sign up for a free course with 101 lessons on marketing and how to get your web host to pay you.

Application #3 Steps To Use or Implement:
The next form of training is a formal procedure on how to use a product or service purchased by your customer. If you sell a course on money-saving techniques, like the MONEY SECRETS Home Study Course for example (, you could use your autoresponder to send them a fast-track course on specific steps to do each day for two weeks. If you sell above-ground swimming pools, you can have them join your autoresponder to get all the installation instructions.

Application #4 Duplication & Team Communications:
If you are involved in Multi-Level-Marketing, Network Marketing, or referral marketing, you can publish your autoresponder campaigns so your downline can easily import your campaign for their recruiting and/or sales efforts.

Application #5 Banner Advertising:
Some autoresponder services include free banner advertis ing services. You can upload your banners (or use the ones they provide), and they will display your banner ads.

Application #6 Free For All (FFA) Advertising:
====================================== FFA pages allow people to advertise their products and services with one-line ads that are displayed on your FFA page until it scrolls off the bottom of the list due to other ad submissions. The power of an FFA page is you get to send a single email advertisement of your own in exchange for letting your prospect post their ad. This can be a nice free form of advertising for you.

Application #7 Generating Traffic:
Some professional autoresponder offer a quality guaranteed traffic service to further market your business. This is usually offered for an extra charge, but you earn a commission on your own ads (which means you are actually getting discount prices). Furthermore, you can advertise your guaranteed traffic website and earn a commission when someone places an order on your website.

Application #8 Capturing Leads:
You can also use a sign-up form for y our autoresponder on a squeeze page to capture leads (i.e., to build your list). This is generally done by presenting a compelling offer if the prospect enters their name and email address. Then upon submitting their information, your form immediately takes the prospect to a web page and sends the first email in your campaign.

Application #9 Tracking Ads:
On the Internet, there are lots of services that offer ad-tracking links where you enter the web address for the website you are advertising, and the service gives you an alternate web address. Then by advertising the alternate address (i.e., your ad-tracking address), it will register a hit every time someone clicks your ad-tracking link. Then the link automatically and immediately forwards your prospect to the target address. This is a great way to determine which advertising resources deliver and which dont thus saving you money when you cancel the ones that d ont produce. But why pay for this service if your autoresponder offers it for free?

Application #10 Product Delivery:
You set up your autoresponder to deliver information products whether offered free or purchased. All you have to do is publish the product on the web, and pass the web address (and the UserID and password if applicable) to your customeryoure your autoresponder.

Application #11 Broadcasting:
Broadcasting is the ability to send an email to everyone on your autoresponder list simultaneously anytime you wish; in other words, the email has not been pre-written or added to your campaign. Its just an impromptu email sent to your entire list. The next seven techniques all fall under the category of broadcasting.

If you want to alert your customers to something unexpected, broadcast it.

*** NEWS:
Notif y your customers about a change in your business for example, new address, new email address, special holiday hours, etc.

If you have a large email list of people who remember and like you and your products, you can announce a special price, a new product, or limited-quantity promotion, and generate a nice influx of cash. Make sure you make a limited-time offer.

Use your autoresponder broadcaster to remind your subscribers of an upcoming event, sales expiration, or whatever you want them to remember.

*** Keep You In Mind:
On average, most people must see you and your product seven times before they will buy, so use your autoresponder to keep you in the forefront of their mind. Be original; make them look forward to hearing from you again.

*** Publish a Newsletter:
Writing your own newsletter has many benefits. It establishes you as an expert in your niche; it reminds your pros pect you exist; it educates your customer; you can add your ads to your newsletter for free, and you can even sell advertising in your newsletter.

*** Conduct Surveys:
Send out surveys to your email list. Find out what your customers want, what they liked and disliked about your products or services, what they wish they could get (leads to new product ideas), reveals where they frequent on the Internet, The only limit is your creativity. Want to know something from your customers? Use your autoresponder broadcast feature to ask them.

Not all autoresponders offer all of these applications: you need a professional-grade autoresponder to get most of these applications, and there is only one autoresponder I have found that actually offers all of these applications and more.

This particular autoresponder also has the most important characteristic of a small fixed monthly fee no matter how big your subscriber list gets. In fact, you can hav e unlimited email campaigns (i.e., email sequences), unlimited emails per campaign, and unlimited subscribers per campaign, and the price stays fixed at $17.95. Plus you can get a 30-day free trial, and with just a little effort, you can even get your autoresponder service free for life within about 60 days (see the article list below). You can learn more about this autoresponder and request a free report at this web address:

Written By: Dr. Bryan Stoker,

* How To Determine The Best AutoResponder For Your Business
* The Most Important Features For Selecting Your AutoResponder
* How To Generate A 5-Figure Monthly Income Using Your AutoResponder

All these articles and more are available at ticles-autoresponder/
Recommended Best AutoResponder For Most Businesses:

Other Good AutoResponders:

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Master Online Special Education Degree - for Teachers Who Want to Make a Difference

How will the master online special education degree equip those teachers who want to make a difference? The answer is straightforward - in the USA, currently there are over 6 million students who have enrolled in these special programs.

While schools - public and private, preschool to secondary - struggle to identify and deploy qualified teachers to address these 6 million students, nobody knows for sure how many million students more need to be identified for special classes, so that they can better cope with their learning disabilities, or physical and mental handicaps.

At the same time, successive Federal and State Administrations since 1975 have sharpened their focus on creating complex systems for identifying, formulating, and delivering a highly-individualized education program to each eligible student. The cornerstone of these legislations, programs, and licensures is the highly qualified teacher.

A Master's degree in has thus become a must for aspiring teachers, and with many of them already employed as regular teachers, master online special education degree has become the most convenient route to this profession.

What It Involves

Master online special education degree involves distance or online learning that leads to graduate degrees like Master of Education (MEd), Master of Science (MS), Master of Arts (MA), or any of the specialized master's degrees in various sub-domains, such as dyslexia, attention-deficit, etc.

Master online special education degree courses will last upwards of one year, and might involve significant on-the-job training under an experienced special educator. Most states also require that aspiring teachers pass a licensure test, before starting their career.

Why Special Education?

On an average, teachers in this field don't earn much more than regular teachers. On the other hand, the job responsibilities of these teachers are more demanding - they can even include defending oneself and the school's program in court, if dissatisfied parents of challenged students opt for litigation, as has happened numerous times in various states!

Still, about 450,000 educators have opted for and currently work as special education teachers in the country. What must be the attraction?

Teachers in this field are very unlikely to encounter unemployment in the short-term or long-term. But that alone can't be the lure to enter this profession, where sheer hard work, difficult coordination between many, and uncertain outcomes from the part of students, make life stressful.

The answer can, hence, be only that there are hundreds of thousands of teachers out there who want to make a genuine difference to the lives of these challenged students. And it is indeed a huge difference. According to estimates, four in five challenged students used to be excluded from the US education system, as near as three decades back. Official figures, tabulated around 1975, put this at 1 million students, who missed the bus.

Why Master Special Education Degree?

Teachers in this specialty are still in significant short supply. Because of this, some states have still not made it mandatory for them to have a master's degree. In such states, bachelor's degree holders appear for professional licensure exams and work as special education teachers.
However, more and more states are opting for a master's degree as the minimum qualification, for a simple reason. A special ed. teacher should be capable of interacting effectively with professionals like psychologists, disability therapists, educational evaluators, educational lawyers, supervisors from the school district, regular teachers, and, of course parents of disabled students. It takes a master's degree holder with significant on-the-job training to confidently undertake this.

Master's degree holders in this field have also another booming avenue - they can work as instructors in colleges and universities that deliver specialized programs, and these institutions are rapidly increasing in number. They are also eligible to work as supervisors or administrators in the school districts.

A small but significant proportion of educators go for ' degree, so as to progress to doctoral degrees, which are also offered by more and more universities, these days.

Lastly, though special education teachers don't earn much more than regular teachers on an average, the highest salaries drawn by special educators exceed the highest salaries drawn by regular teachers by $3,000 to $8,000. It goes without saying that almost all of those highest paid special educators are master's degree holders.

Why Master Online Special Education Degree?

Those planning to take a master's degree in this field are almost always regular teachers who have developed a fascination for this field. Others include psychologists, counselors, learning disability therapists, etc. Since both teachers and these professionals already hold full time jobs, it is a master online special education degree that is more suitable to them.

Secondly, only an exceptionally good regular teacher can hope to be an effective teacher of special students. Because of this, aspirants enter the regular teaching profession to garner some years of experience before attempting to study special ed. Master online special education degree perfectly fits this scheme.

Thirdly, a significant component of any education master's degree is on-the-job training in a special school or a regular school's special education department. Those working teachers who opt for a master online degree can thus modify their school work itself for the on-the-job training part.

Where to Study Master Online Special Education Degree?

Hundreds of universities and colleges across the country offer master online degrees in special ed. They include state or public universities, and private or independent universities. Some of the courses have small components that require occasional campus visits, while almost all require on-the-job training at a school.

Working teachers who opt for master online special education degree generally prefer studying in their own state, if not their city. Another reason for local preference is that some universities incorporate that state's licensure requirements as part of the course. Due to strict licensure requirements, it is also important to go for an accredited course.

State or Public Universities Offering Master Online Special Education Degree

At least 12 state university systems offer master online degree in special ed. They include Alabama, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Aspirants in states like Alabama, Florida, and Kansas, are especially fortunate, with multiple public universities offering the course. Florida perhaps tops the nation with its three public universities offering this degree. Some of the prestigious state universities offering the course across the nation are:

ALABAMA: Auburn University, Auburn, University of South Alabama, Mobile
FLORIDA: Florida State University, University of Central Florida, University of West Florida
INDIANA: Ball State University
KANSAS: Emporia State University, Fort Hays State University
KENTUCKY: University of Louisville, Louisville
MICHIGAN: University of Michigan, Dearborn
MISSOURI: University of Missouri, Columbia
NEBRASKA: University of Nebraska, Lincoln
NEW JERSEY: New Jersey City University
NORTH CAROLINA: University of North Carolina
PENNSYLVANIA: Clarion University of Pennsylvania
TEXAS: Texas Tech University

Private or Independent Universities Offering Online Degrees

At least 10 well-known private or independent universities in 8 states offer master online special education degree. These states include Arizona, California, Florida, Iowa, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington. Arizona and Iowa top the list with two private universities each, offering the course. Florida and Pennsylvania are perhaps the only two states that have both public and private universities offering the course. Some of the well-known private schools offering online degrees are:

ARIZONA: Grand Canyon University, University of Phoenix
CALIFORNIA: La Sierra University
FLORIDA: Nova Southeastern University
IOWA: Graceland University, Kaplan University
MINNESOTA: Bethel University
VIRGINIA: Regent University
WASHINGTON: City University

What to Expect From Master Online Special Education Degree, in the Future?

The high performance expected from special edd teachers will ensure that a master's degree in this field becomes an absolute must in all states. As it is working teachers who are more likely to go for a master's degree in this subject, and because the course itself is dominated by on-the-job training, college degree master online might even upstage regular courses in the subject, in the near future.

Recent stricter regulations from the part of administrations regarding expected student performance, and better awareness about learning disabilities from the part of parents, will make sure that more and more students will be presented for evaluation. This scenario will drive the demand for qualified and trained special educators, giving further momentum to master online special ed. degree courses.

The most likely change in course content will be super-specializations in special education, with probably different master's degrees built around different learning disabilities or handicaps.

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