Monday, December 31, 2012

Combating Child labour through education


The complicated issue of child labour is a developmental issue that needs to be thoroughly researched. World Vision India believes that children are being exploited and forced into labour, if they are not attending any school regularly and there is a need to develop a strong strategy to address this issue.

India continues to host the largest number of child labourers in the world today. According to the Census 2001, there were 12.7 million economically active children in the age-group of 5-14 years. The number was 11. 3 million during 1991 (Population Census) thus showing an increase in the number of child labourers.

Education is one of the critical element of any effective attempt to purge child labour. There are a number of factors that leads to a particular child to become a child labourer.

The child labour and education is strongly inter-linked. According to National Human Rights Commission of India, child labour can never be eradicated unless compulsory primary education up to the age of 14 is implemented.

In this paper, the author attempts to deal with the causes of child labour in India? How do governmental policies affect it? What role does education play in regard to child labour in India? The current state of education in India has been examined and how it is contributing to child labour. A critical analysis of the answers to these questions may lead in the direction of a possible solution.

Definition of child labour

There is no single universally accepted definition of child labor.' Concepts and definitions are varied and sometimes vague. Some authors argue that child labor is such a complex phenomenon that a single definition that captures all its facets is simply not possible. Child labor is regarded as a social construct which differs by actors, history, context and purpose (Weston 2005).

Basically, the child laborers are the child workers involved in the odd jobs that are harmful to their overall development. These children are economically active and play a role in contributing to the family income.

World Bank describes child labor as a serious threat' from the point of view of the harm it can do to long term national investment (Weston 2005). The ILO relates the phenomenon to the harm done to children by their current engagement in certain types of economic activity. UNICEF emphasizes that the issue goes way beyond the concerns of investment or its relation to economic activity, and includes several aspects of domestic work which conflicts with the best interest of the child (Huebler 2006).

Poverty as the reason for low school participation?

Child labour is closely associated with poverty. Many poor families are unable to afford school fees or other school costs. The family may depend on the contribution that a working child makes to the household's income, and place more importance on that than on education. And when a family has to make a choice between sending either a boy or girl to school, it is often the girl who loses out.

"Most child labour is rooted in poverty. The way to tackle the problem is clear. We must ensure that all children have the chance of going to school, we need social protection systems that support vulnerable families particularly at times of crisis and we need to ensure that adults have a chance of decent work. These measures, combined with effective enforcement of laws that protect children, provide the way forward", Ms Thomas, Director of the ILO's International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) said.

It is commonly believed that the demand for school education is low because of the large scale poverty in our country. This notion has been discussed in various forums that the poor parents cannot afford to send their children to school because they cannot miss the income of their children as wage workers or household help.

It is widely agreed that the main forces driving child labour are poverty and lack of education (Basu et al., 2009; Ravallion and Wodon, 2000). Children are a financially viable source of labour for poor parents, so it is no surprise when one finds children involved in some level of domestic labour in rural economies (Ravallion and Wodon, 2000). With the assumption that child labour and schooling are substitutes, greater labour opportunities may be drawing children out of school at an early age. As a result, this may be further contributing to intergenerational poverty (Ravallion and Wodon, 2000).

Poverty has been the most common explanation given for lack of school attendance and greater incidence of child labour (Jensen and Nielson, 1997; Basu et al., 2009; Ravallion and Wodon, 2000). The decision to send a child to work is closely linked to whether they are sent to school. Parents in poor households may be less likely to enrol their children in schooling even though the long-run impact of schooling may deter them from future poverty. Sometimes households simply cannot afford it despite how altruistic the parents may be.

In the case of large families, being born early in the birth order may have significant advantages, as the probability of being in a small family is much higher (Patrinos and Psacharopoulos, 1997). Large households have the advantage of diversifying their tasks. Therefore, birth order and gender may play an integral role in determining who goes to school and who does not. Older children may be required to substitute for the parent in the labour force or in the household (Patrinos and Psacharopoulos, 1997), while younger children may be more likely to attend school.

Apart from the income of the family other factors play an important role in the decision of parents to send their children to school or to work. Experience shows that the exclusion of certain groups, existing social norms, tradition, parental ignorance, indifference from the government and no education system (or a badly run education system) are the some of the other determinants for parents not to send their children to school. According to Shantha Sinha, director of the MV Foundation, child labour exists in communities where: there is no tradition to send children to schools and little social pressure to be able to do so; existing social norms accept child labour, parents do not have an alternative and employers take advantage of the situation; the educational system does not want to register and educate poor, lower class children.

Right to Education & the Child labour

Education helps in empowering people economically and socially; but the lack of access to quality education can lead to increased number of child labourers. As per the Right to Education bill, every child has the right to free and compulsory education upto 14 years of age which builds the foundation of one's life. It is our responsibility to give the school bags to these children rather than the rag bags and help them to get their right.

The linkage between child labour and education has been openly discussed but not yet applied at a policy level. Education as a main player in ending the child labour must come into the centre stage of all the child labour discussions. In the Millennium Development Goals the United Nations and the broader international community set targets of ensuring that by 2015 all boys and girls complete a full course of primary education and that there is gender parity in education.

These targets cannot be met unless the factors that generate child labour and prevent poor families from sending children to school are addressed. Among the most important steps required are:

Implementation of free and compulsory education; Dealing with the barriers to girls education; Ensuring that children have access to a school which is child friendly and a safe and has quality learning environment; Making available accelerated education opportunities for children and youth who have so far missed out on formal schooling; Tackling with the nationwide shortage of professionally trained teachers; Raising public awareness to tackle child labour.

As per the Government records, about 12 million children are engaged in child labour and are out of school. Since April 1, 2010 education has become the right of every child in India but unfortunately, the Right to Education Act has not made any specific provision to bring the child labours back into regular school.

The Right to Education Act makes elementary education compulsory for 6-14 year old to improve the lives of children. But what about those children who are working as labourers, as domestic help?

Despite the fact that child labour is a huge obstacle to attain the goal of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and also to implement the right to education bill, the bill doesn't talk about the issue of child labour that how it would help in tackling this massive problem which is so deeply rooted in our communities that it is in fact a very difficult task to uproot it.

As a part of the civil society, we need to raise our voices to make the government realize that there is a need of the special packages for children who are working because RTE will be meaningful only if these children are brought into the fold of mainstream schooling.

Why is quality education so important?

Quality education offers the children an opportunity to think, make choices, take decisions and form their own opinion. The importance of basic education for all children is expressed in the combined mandate of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the Child Labour Conventions 138 and 182 of the International Labour Organisations (ILO) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) aimed at the realisation of basic education for all children (boys and girls) by the year 2015. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, under the flagship of government of India, also aims to provide useful and relevant elementary education for all children in the age group of 6 14 years.

The elimination of child labour is interlinked with the provision of free, full-time, formal quality education. Experience shows that many children do not have a choice but to work because there are no good schools available or because they are not inspired to attend the school. The need of the hour is to bring some revolution in the area of school education to implement right to free and compulsory quality education to combat the child labour.

Building schools and enrolling children is not enough to retain these children in the schools. It is also essential to improve the quality of education in our schools to decrease the drop out rate and ultimately reduce the child labour incidences. One of the reasons of child labour is the poor quality of education. Children don't know how to read and write. There is lack of teachers and sometimes there are no teachers in the schools. If the teachers are there, they don't come to the school regularly because most of the teachers come from far off places and they don't want to stay in the village. So they come once in 2-3 months, put the attendance in the register and go back. Parents think that what is the use of sending our children to schools when there is no teacher in the school and therefore it's better to send them to work so that they can also contribute to the family income.

Besides poverty, poor quality of education is another contributing factor to child labour. On one hand we talk about the free and compulsory education for children but we ignore the fact that even if the schools are there, 100% children are enrolled but teachers don't come to the school. Parents send their wards to school but after sending regularly for some time they found that teacher doesn't come to the school and if s/he comes, s/he don't teach the children. Their children doesn't know how to read and write and do simple arithmetic, automatically they stopped sending their children to school. After some time, parents send their children to work since they are not attending the school and doing nothing. According to government data, there are approximately 440 million children population in India and out of it about 96% children are enrolled in schools but what about the 4% children who are left out. The table given below shows the quality of education in our schools th rough learning outcomes of children of I VIII classes.

Class-wise % of children who can read


Cannot read capital letters

Can read capital letters

Can read small letters

Can read simple words

Can read easy sentences

































































Source: ASER 2009

The above table shows that there are about 19.5% children who cannot read capital letters and only about 23.2% children can read easy sentences. It can be interpreted from the above data that the quality of education is very poor, as it can be seen that only 60.2% children, studying in VIII standard, can read simple sentences.

Class-wise % Children Who Can Do Arithmetic



Recognize Numbers




1 9

11 - 99
































































Source: ASER 2009

The above table shows that there are only about 68.7% children in standard VIII who knows how to divide and children learn division in class III. Only about 20.8% children in class VIII, knows subtraction. The above data proves that the quality of education is poor. The government is focusing only on the enrolment but what about the issue of learning outcomes of children studying in different classes.

Class-wise % Children Attending Tuition Classes




























Source: ASER 2009

The above table is showing the trend how children studying in government schools are attending the tuition classes to improve their learning outcomes.

Facilities in School

% school with

Classes I IV/V

Classes I VII/VIII







No facility of water







No facility of toilets







Source: ASER 2009

The above table clearly shows that how badly our schools lack these basic facilities. How can we expect children to sit for 5 6 hours without drinking water and without going for the toilet. The major problem is faced by the girls who are in elementary classes and because of lack of toilets majority of them dropped out from the school.According to Mr. Kapil Sibal, Union Minister of Human Resource Development; about 35% of schools in India do not have the toilets (The Hindu, 28/04/10).

Do parents realise the importance of education?

Many parents in rural areas are not aware of the importance of education. Some of the parents consider work a more natural activity than going to school. Therefore, it is very important to bring change in our culture and make it a social norm that child labour is offensive. Once traditional values have been broken, parents want their children to go to school. Experiences from India show that even the children from the poorest families are well aware of the changes education can offer to get out of the vicious cycle of poverty and ignorance.

A Real Over-comer

This is a story of a boy called Gomma Mahoto, who lives with his two younger brothers, a sister and his old mother Kali Mahoto in a village of Nunia Panchayat that falls in the forest area of Dumaria Block, which is almost unreachable.

His father died 11 years back when he was just 8 years old. Due to the severe poverty in which his family was living in, Gomma at such a young age used to work as a child labor in a hotel during the day time and in the evening, he used to spend his time in a nearby cycle repairing shop to gain some additional money for his family. He did not get discouraged by the situation he was in, but every time he wanted to challenge it bravely. He also had a dream about his future, he used to say "I will become an Engineer and he started attending classes in his village school along with his two brothers and sister and as soon as the school would finish would go to work in the hotel & cycle store for earning some money, as he had a deep concern for his family.

Through the Village Development Committee of Nunia village, the ADP extended help to Gomma mahoto in the way of Coaching classes and educational assistance. He completed his 10th std. examination(Matriculation) with 68.8% of marks and he also secured 100% in Mathematics. In Intermediate Course (I. Sc.) he has secured 1st Division with 70% marks. Now he pursuing B.Sc. Part 1 with Mathematics Honours. He also helps in conducting Tuition classes in his free time.

Gomma Mahoto has become a role model for the other children in the community. He was part of the team of children, who were earlier Child laborers and have now rehabilitated through various WV initiatives. He had an opportunity to meet and share his experiences to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the then President of India in 2007. Looking at his past Gomma said, those who have a dream, always believe in doing things positively and in a different way.

Nothing is impossible until and unless you have a strong desire, which supports to make your way forward. Thanks to World Vision for the Support in building his future.

Gomma Mahoto along with the other former Child labourers is standing next to

Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, the former President of India

It has shown that if the children get the financial support, these parents make sure that their children go to and stay in schools. They no longer want their children to work. Instead of worrying about the lost income they invest more in their children from the belief that education is the means to offer them a better future ultimately.

Rasoi village of Birdha block, Lalitpur, UP, is one of the village where electricity has not reached. Shankarlal is 16year old student of 11th class of this village was not able to study in night so he had to study in sun light only, and he was very much worried about his marks. When he was in 10th class, he received solar light set from Aparajita ADP, World Vision India. Due to solar light system he was able to study in night & he passed 10th class exam with good marks. Now his life is totally changed, there is still no electricity in the village, so he started study classes in the evening time under the solar light. 35students are attending his classes regularly & paying Rs. 50/- each as fees. He is in the 11th class & he is able to continue his study on his own.


The private sector must play a major rule in inclusive education, Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal said while suggesting a slew of innovative measures to encourage the sector to provide education to the less privileged.

Government schools premises, he said, could be given to the private sector for conducting evening classes with 50 percent students from less privileged sections.

"Municipal and government schools can be given to the business class after school hours. You can run skill development centres or evening schools. Take 50 percent students from the less privileged class, government can pay their expense. Rest 50 percent can pay their fee" Sibal said while delivering the 38th Shri Ram memorial lecture here.

Describing human resource development as the most important factor for sustaining economic growth, Sibal said 70 percent of the working population was under qualified with no primary education.

It is essential to take a more active move towards child labour that includes child domestic labour also, by developing specific strategies, to be able to mainstream all children under the age of fourteen into schools.
Governments are responsible for the educational system and they should take up this responsibility. It is not only important that quality education is offered to children already in school. It is important that there is a need to develop a strategy to mainstream working and other non-school-going children below the age of fourteen into formal, full-time education.

It is also critical to establish a norm that work must never be a hindrance for children to attend school. As long as the community is accepting that children work instead of going to school, child labour and low school participation will not be eradicated. So there is a need to create the mass awareness about the importance of education and also that education is the right of every boy and girl.


Huebler, Friedrich (2006), Child labor: What is wrong with published statistics?, "Something to think about" Bulletin no. 39 March 2006, Internal bulletin sponsored by Global Policy Section, Division of Policy and Planning, UNICEF New York. Weston, B. (2005), Child Labor and Human Rights: Making Children Matter. Lynne Rienner Publishers. Basu, Kaushik; "Child Labor: Cause, Consequence and Cure with Remarks on International Labor Standards," Journal of Economic Literature, September 1999.

_______; The Economics of Child Labor", Scientific American, October, 2003.

_______; "The Global Child Labor Problem: What do we Know and What Can we do", (with

Zafiris Tzannatos), World Bank Economic Review, 2003.

Ravallion, M., and Wodon, Q. (2000), Does child labour displace schooling? Evidence on behavioural responses to an enrollment subsidy, The Economic Journal 110, C158-C175. Jensen, P., and Nielsen, H.S. (1997), Child labor or school attendance?: Evidence from Zambia, Journal of Population Economics 10, 407-424. Patrinos, H.A., and Psacharopoulos, G. (1997), Family size, schooling and child labor in Peru: An empirical analysis, Journal of Population Economics 10, 387-405.

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Sunday, December 30, 2012

If You Want To Transform Your Dogs Behaviour Problems Fast Learn The Secrets To Service Dog Training

A clear strategy and well defined plans are the essential ingredients when implementing a program of service dogs training. Methods of training a dog for service is quite different from the basic dog training strategies which can be performed by anyone who follow them properly and get their household dog to respond reasonably in most everyday situations. The dogs need to be better trained and that training needs to prepare them for situations that aren't daily routine for most people or dogs.

The bad news here is that unless you are highly skilled and trained you can't implement service dogs training on your own. The best part is that there are programs that allow virtually anyone to study and learn about dog training enabling them to eventually train a dog for service. Of course, having a dog that just naturally picks up on training easily and is eager to learn always helps, but to be really great at training a service dog you will need a guide that teaches you all about dog behaviour training strategy, and what types of skills a service dog must master.

Finding the Information

So, how do you go from a training novice to a skilled service dog trainer? It isn't all that difficult once you track down the right service dogs training program. You can take whatever amount of knowledge and first hand experience you have working with dogs right now and magnify it tenfold or even more in a very short period of time as long as you are learning from a training program that has proven to produce top notch service dogs in the past. It is the reputation and previous results of the program that should ultimately convince you that it is worth following.

Searching online and reading reviews of different service dogs training programs is the first step to finding one that will meet all of your needs. Remember, you are searching for something that will build upon your current knowledge and which has proven to work for other service dog trainers in the past. You will be able to obtain this information from reviews.

Implementing the Information

Thi s is even more important than finding the right service dogs training program. By following instructions and paying attention to the order of training events maximum results can be achieved. Your consistenncy with the training program and implementation of the procedures exactly as they are prescribed can transform any willing dog into a well trained, responsive service dog. Dogs will pick up what you teach them with repetitive lessons and they will respond by obeying your commands.

It's a great feeling when you start to see your dog accomplishing behavioural goals and learning to meet your expectations. You see that they are happier and more joyful and the frustration that you feel with an uncooperative dog is relieved. When you know your dog is responding to your commands and trying to please you, it is a great feeling that everyone deserves to experience at least once in their lifetime!

Just remember that service dogs training is more demanding than just train ing a household dog not to urinate on the hall rug. A lot of the same dog training strategies may be implemented, but there are some other things that are more stringent and detailed when working with a dog to go into service.

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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Signs You Are Boring Someone

7 Silent Signs That You May Be Boring Someone

I urge you to develop an essential element of Emotional Intelligence -- Have Social Awareness. This includes knowing how you're being perceived by others. Do you know when someone finds you (yikes!) boring?

As someone who speaks for a living, I can assure you that *many* people have missed some crucial signs that others have mentally tuned them out because the speaker is not aware that they're not engaging the other person. Emotional Intelligence and social awareness are critical components in cultivating social savvy and the success that comes with it.

It doesn't take a lot of intelligence nor is it an ego booster when you realize that what you think is a great story you've been telling is actually driving someone to the brink of a coma with boredom. However, with proper training and conscious effort, you will commit this social crime a lot less often and probably improve your popularity if you do something about those telltale signs of boredom as soon as they arrive on the scene. The critical point, of course, is being able to recognize boredom at its first blush.

Below are seven nonverbal signals you'll want to pick up on quickly about emotional intelligence and body language so you won't be considered boring by others:

Remember; consider the entire context of body language. Don't put too much meaning in a single gesture. Rather, notice the eyes, head, arms, body, the whole body; this allows you to "read" their messages in the proper context. With a little self- training, you'll become a master at understanding if you are boring people when you speak.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #1: Rotating the head from side to side. You know, like there's a cramp in the neck. While the side to side bob should raise your radar, rest assured that the good old nod up and down pretty much means what you think it means. The person you're talking with is with you and, assuming there's eye contact, is also agreeing with your take on the matter.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #2: Keeping hands hidden. The main reason we shake hands and military people salute, by the way, is to show that we're unarmed. Hidden hands might suggest some kind of breakdown in communication if accompanied with a severe break in eye contact.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #3: Emotional intelligence skills gathered through training will help you realize what "micro gestures" mean. Narrowing the eyes with the head turning away from you. Not only might you be boring them, but if they also shake their heads, they may be second guessing your honesty or sincerity.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #4: Eyes glazed over. Yes, it's the most obvious sign of boredom, and it doesn't take much social awareness to recognize this one. The unfocused eyes are not a good sign, especially when their facial expression fails to even come close to matching your own expression at the moment.

Those zoned out, non-blinking eyes with emotion-free facial clues tell you that, wherever their mind is right now, it's not on what you just said.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #5: Emotional intelligence training, also indicates that rubbing the ears, eyes, or nose while turning slightly away from you and even shuffling the feet can indicate that someone is bored with you. They may be trying to put a physical barrier between themselves and you.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #6: Picking at their clothes as eye contact stays persistently broken or looking around the room. Are they smoothing wrinkles that aren't there? Removing link only they can see? Inside they may be thinking when is this person going to stop talking, and do I need to fake cardiac arrest to get out of this conversation? Gently turn the talk back their way.

ARE YOU BORING, BODY LANGUAGE TIP #7: Showing a clinched fist with tightened facial muscles. Yikes! How long have you been talking? The frustration has escalated. Quickly, before they do something drastic, let them talk!

Of course, it's impossible to assume an entire conversation behind a single gesture, and there's no reason at all for you to take offense at a single one of these signals in isolation.

Like words themselves, body language in the form of gestures must be interpreted as part of the entire communications package. What else are these people doing? Be sure to look at the whole picture before rushing to conclusions. Develop your skills in emotional intelligence training so you will become more socially aware and less socially boring.

And remember, of course, when in doubt, it's always a good idea to toss the conversational ball back in their court to keep them engaged in the conversation and minimize boredom!

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Friday, December 28, 2012

Diagnose and Repair your computer system with remote help - Computers - Software

Computer has become an integral part of todays modern life. People depend on it to do almost everything. Undoubtedly its maintenance is very important. It should be maintained on a regular basis so that its users do not face any problem while working on it and it works in desired conditions. Mostly, people are not aware of what to do in regards to maintenance. It becomes quite frustrating if the computer system does not work the way user wants. Thankfully, there is a solution to such problems. There are many software packages available in the market to fulfill the needs of the users. Also there are number of online service providers who help you diagnose and repair your PC.

There are thousands of problems that can occur in your computer. Sometimes software and hardware installed on your system do not work properly. Also the user may find several virus related problems like he is unable to transfer the files from one system to another or the system responds absurdly for the commands he gave. Computers may have problems with its registry. It could be any problem that can affect the performance of your system.

Remote computer diagnose and repair services are much in demand now a days. It has become a trend that people go for the online services to get their PC repaired. These online service providers help you maintain your PC in its best possible condition. There are several reasons that these remote service providers are very popular as they are quick and efficient in solving customers problems. They are assuredly successful in fulfilling the customers needs.

What can online service providers repair? General computer problems. Virus, spyware and malware problems. Operating System problems. Solutions for data Recovery. Network troubleshooting. Network security. PC Optimization problems.

What do remote computer repair specialists do?1. The remote computer repair specialists solve majority of the issues that the personal and business computers face.2. As long as a client has a high speed internet connection, the technician can link up to your computer, and run diagnostics from his side, without having to do anything but make sure that the computer is connected to the Internet.3. They are conscious of your system protection. They can access your computer only when you allow them. 4. They run diagnostics through software that you install on your computer. The software is activated from their side, and will work until your problem is determined

Reasons to opt for the remote computer diagnose and repair: Reasonable cost to get your PC repaired. Anything that can go wrong with a computer system can be diagnosed and repaired virtually. 24x7 help desk available to resolve your issues. Help from certified professionals. Highly cost effective method of regular No need of taking your PC to the repair shop. Remote help is just a phone call away.

How computer errors are diagnosed and repaired remotely:Before going for taking the remote diagnose and repair help it is a better idea to first understand the working of the remote computer repair service. It is first of all necessary to download and then install the programs that will used for diagnosing and repairing of your computer and these programs are also used to make sure that the remote computer repair service company access the faulty computer from remote location.

This will allow the company to view on their screen what is going on your computer and additionally the remote company's computer can share its keyboard with the keyboard of the faulty computer.

To request the remote help to get your PC repaired, you need to have a high speed internet connection. Round-the-clock services are another important reason to choose the remote diagnose and repair services. These organizations provide their help 24x7.

So, looking at all these factors it is quite clear that Remote computer diagnose and repair is the best option when it comes to the maintenance of your system.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Structure of a Tertiary Education and Academic Disciplines

A student's choice of profession largely depends on the disciplinary foundations of an educational establishment. The point is that each faculty has its autonomy and independent status and, therefore, it is not subject to hierarchical structure of a college or university. Hence, the subordination is primarily based on persuasion and influence. The situation is not only predetermined by the German educational model, but also by the professors' loyalty to a discipline. This means that those disciplines have a certain impact on the faculty policy that sometimes does not coincide with the policies established by a college/university.

What does a definition discipline' includes?

According to Oxford Dictionary, a discipline is defined as "a branch of learning or scholarly instruction". It also serves as an academic framework of a curricular program and as a number of subject areas studied by scholars and researchers. There are other explanations for this notion. In particular, a discipline can be also defined as structure and categories of knowledge that is possessed by teachers and professors. Today's education has an expanded number of disciplines constituting the basis of an educational process.

System of discipline classification

It goes without saying that some disciplines are closely interconnected, particularly when studying certain objects or processes. For example, in case it is necessary to study the problem of global warming, one should touch upon such disciplines as geography, biology, social sciences, etc. Nevertheless, being a cognitive dimension, each discipline should be separated by theories and concepts. The process of gathering and classifying knowledge is called codification. The codification:

Describes a field of knowledge studied

Discloses the scholarly activities

Requires empirical investigation.

So, student should be aware of the necessity to distinguish disciplines because such system considerably facilitates the process of study.

A student's choice of profession largely depends on the disciplinary foundations of an educational establishment. The point is that each faculty has its autonomy and independent status and, therefore, it is not subject to hierarchical structure of a college or university. Hence, the subordination is primarily based on persuasion and influence. The situation is not only predetermined by the German educational model, but also by the professors' loyalty to a discipline. This means that those disciplines have a certain impact on the faculty policy that sometimes does not coincide with the policies established by a college/university.

What does a definition discipline' includes?

According to Oxford Dictionary, a discipline is defined as "a branch of learning or scholarly instruction". It also serves as an academic framework of a curricular program and as a number of subject areas studied by scholars and researchers. There are other explanations for this notion. In particular, a discipline can be also defined as structure and categories of knowledge that is possessed by teachers and professors. Today's education has an expanded number of disciplines constituting the basis of an educational process.

System of discipline classification

It goes without saying that some disciplines are closely interconnected, particularly when studying certain objects or processes. For example, in case it is necessary to study the problem of global warming, one should touch upon such disciplines as geography, biology, social sciences, etc. Nevertheless, being a cognitive dimension, each discipline should be separated by theories and concepts. The process of gathering and classifying knowledge is called codification. The codification:

Describes a field of knowledge studied

Discloses the scholarly activities

Requires empirical investigation.

So, student should be aware of the necessity to distinguish disciplines because such system considerably facilitates the process of study.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Get Water clean up Atlanta services for Residential Flooding Atlanta

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The natural calamities and their effects are not under the control of humans, but the results of their effects can be set under control by using different ways and techniques with the help of better technology. Cleaning up of the effects from these damages is the most hideous task, which cannot be done personally by oneself using anything. In fact, the things that might be restored by hiring the professionals might also get lost in the efforts of trying to restore themselves. It is for this reason that the damage restoration services should be hired at any level so that the property can be restored successfully as much as possible to avoid more losses.

The effects of the damages are very hazardous that usually end up the owners of the properties bear great losses. Such effects can always be rectified by utilizing the damage control services like water damage Atlanta, water clean up Atlanta, smoke damage restoration Atlanta, residential flooding Atlanta, commercial flooding Atlanta, residential water damage restoration Atlanta, commercial water damage restoration Atlanta, water damage restoration Atlanta, sewage clean up Atlanta, smoke damage Atlanta, which are provided by the professional services providers at very nominal prices nowadays.

With the development of technology and the techniques with which these damage control services can be implemented for re-securing the damaged property, you can now be assured of the fact that you would get the best restoration services for the water damages, smoke damages, and fire damages, residential and commercial flooding damages in Atlanta.

The services like water clean up Atlanta, smoke damage restoration Atlanta, residential flooding Atlanta, commercial flooding Atlanta, etc. are very effectively and appropriately given by the professional service providers that follow the below mentioned work pattern when it comes to providing these services at the advanced level:

The first thing that these service providers do is to do the quick study of the residential or the commercial property so as to analyze what part needs what treatment and with what technique. With this, quick and correct decisions can be taken for the damage restoration at the advanced level.

The professionals offering you these services use the highly advanced equipments and technology, where there are absolute chances of retaining belongings out of the property as much as possible so as to bear as lesser loss as possible.

When you hire these services, you would be getting the best results out of it such that you can have your property retained as much as possible with as lesser cost as possible.

The services that you can get through the professionals and the service providers here are mentioned as below:

water damage Atlanta

water clean up Atlanta

smoke damage restoration Atlanta

residential flooding Atlanta

commercial flooding Atlanta

residential water damage restoration Atlanta

commercial water damage restoration Atlanta

water damage restoration Atlanta

sewage clean up Atlanta

smoke damage Atlanta

Getting all these services at very good cheap deals and offers with the assurance of the best results of you getting your property back at the previous level is possible when you hire these services from the professionals that provide you with the best quality services.

You can thus hire these services at very good cost and with the guarantee to get even your precious belongings back with the condition they were in before the damage occurred.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Special Forces of The World

Who are the best special forces? These are the troops who carry out a large number of missions that rarely, if ever, make headlines. Most of these groups want to keep things quiet. This is a big deal, since they are relatively small forces containing very highly trained soldiers ? the training often takes years, and is done at a very high standard. For example, eight out of ten trying to become Air Force pararescuemen wash out at one point or another. While there are many special forces organizations in the world, the following are those that stand out in terms of quality and quantity.

The United States has a wide variety of special forces (nicknamed ?snake eaters?). One of the most famous, due to Hollywood portrayals, are the SEALs. The United States has about 2300 SEALs, divided among six SEAL Teams (with 50 platoons of 16 men between them), plus DEVGRU (the new designation for SEAL Team Six). SEAL Team One (8 platoons) covers Southeast Asia (including hot spots like Indonesia and the Philippines), and , SEAL Team Two (8 platoons) covers Europe (including the Balkans), SEAL Team Three (8 platoons) handles Southwest Asia (think the Arabian Peninsula and Iraq), SEAL Team Four (10 platoons) covers Central and South America (Colombia and Venezuela), SEAL Team Five covers the Northern Pacific (North Korea), and SEAL Team Eight covers the Caribbean, Med, and Africa (Nigeria). The manpower and structure of DEVGRU/SEAL Team Six is classified, but some estimates place the total of personnel in that group at 200. It has been mixed in with an administrative and tes ting section of 300 personnel.

The U.S. Army also has Special Forces, better known as the Green Berets. These are in seven groups (five active, two reserve), each with 1400 personnel. Each group has a total of fifty-four A teams, organized into three battalions, each with three companies (consisting of six A teams ? each with twelve men). These groups also have geographic assignments: The 1st Special Forces Group is assigned to Pacific Command (with a battalion in Okinawa), the 3rd Special Forces Group is assigned to European Command (specializing in Africa), the 5th Special Forces Group is assigned to Central Command, the 7th Special Forces Group is assigned to Southern Command, and the 10th Special Forces Group is assigned to European Command (with a battalion in Germany). The two reserve groups also work with various commands. The 19th Special Forces Group is assigned to Central and Pacific Commands, while the 20th is under Southern Command.

The British Special Air Service is one of the most well-known special operations groups. It got its start in World War II, when it carried out numerous missions in North Africa under David Stirling ? making life miserable for the Afrika Korps. The 22nd SAS is the active duty regiment, and has four ?Sabre? squadrons (A, B, D, and G Squadrons), each with 6 officers and 78 men. Two reserve SAS regiments also exist, the 21st (with A, C, and E Squadrons) and the 23rd (with A, B, and C squadrons). When support troops like the 264th Squadron (a communications unit) various headquarters units, and the retirees of R Squadron are added, that the SAS consists of about 1,000 men.

Not as well-known as the SAS, but even more selective, is the Special Boat Section (SBS). This unit consists of three squadrons (C, M, and S Squadrons) and is part of the Royal Marines. SBS members first must undergo SAS selection, then receive additional training in diving, photography, canoeing, and other skills. Among its operations include missions to convince Iraqi troops that amphibious landings were imminent in the 1991 liberation of Kuwait (a mission also performed by SEALs), the liberation of South Georgia during the Falklands War, and covert operations in Northern Ireland.

Germany also features superb special forces with a track record of success. The two major units are Grenzschutzgruppe 9 (GSG-9), and Kommando Spezialkrafte (KSK). GSG-9 is part of the German police, and was founded in the wake of the terrorist attack during 1972 Munich Olympics that left 11 Israeli athletes dead. It has about 250 men in its three main sub-groups, and among its successes were the recapture of hijacked airliners in 1977 and 1994. In its 1300 missions (many kept classified), there have been only four occasions where shots have been fired (the two confirmed incidents were the 1977 hostage-rescue of a Lufthansa airliner, and a 1993 shootout with two Red Army Faction terrorists). KSK is part of the Bundeswehr, and has 420 men in four fighting subgroups (out of a total of 1,000). Not much is known about their operations yet, but they have been deployed to Kosovo and Afghanistan.

This is not an exhaustive list, but these are probably the most famous of the groups out there. The SAS is probably the best of these groups, due to a long track record (since 1941) of making life miserable for bad guys from Nazi Germany to al-Qaeda. Special operations troops will be around for a long time ? often succeeding quietly.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Monday, December 24, 2012

How to Make Money Online

Everyday more and more people look for alternative ways to make money and take control of their finances. People are often look out to earn a living both through online and offline modes, as people have started realizing that having a job and working forty hours a week for forty years is not the ideal way to live one's life. Millions of users everyday use internet and the main purpose behind this is to make money online for their financial freedom. On internet, people make money by selling his/her expertise and as well engaging with new ideas which are the ways of earning more money. Depending on one's expertise level, there are different types of ways available on internet for making money online and become rich in life. By measuring different perspective of one's present situation, it is possible to sort out the best methods of earning money monthly through online mode.

For money making online, one does not need to have a website, not even a blog or any cash to get started though these things help a lot. But one can certainly start without having these things also. Affiliate marketing is an easy way for making money online and get the financial freedom. If one wants to achieve success with affiliate marketing and take control of one's finances then one needs a plan that will get him the level of income that he expects. A website that houses a wide range of affiliate products is the best place to start with. It keeps everything together in one place and gives plenty to explore the money-making opportunities.

But if one doesn't have a website then question arises how one can promote one's products? In this case, there are several ways of doing the online business and enjoy the financial freedom. One of the best ways is to use article directories which allow one to build web pages for free and also one can write pretty much on the subject as one likes. By doing a little promotion, one can start getting a steady stream of traffic. While doing so one should always look at how much one can get by way of commission for each product. The lesser the commission, the more units one will need to sell to achieve one's desired income. One should keep in mind that one can achieve this by balancing products. What kind of income do they bring in and how much is one likely to spend on the products that is offered. If these aspects are not matched properly then one needs to struggle to make real sales.

Another important point that should be considered is that one should be wise to protect one's income. It means that affiliate links can be rather obvious at times and some people actually delete the links and go into the site and buy something while denying the commission to you. The easy way to prevent such practices is by simply buying a domain for each product that one is going to promote and redirect it to the affiliate offer. For doing this online, there are plenty of free tools which are the safest way to protect one's interests.

Other way for making money online is through writing for several online websites or running several blogs. Automation is a single certain key for making money on the internet for which lot of systems and applications are open to assist when one sets up a subscription or product internet site.

Thus, making money online is comparatively stress-free and there is no boundary for creating funds and take control of one's financial freedom.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Is Making Money Online For Me?

If you have ever considered being your own boss, working from home, setting your own schedule, walk-away income or supplemental income, then this article is for you.

Business opportunities abound today. Just take a look around and you'll see office space for rent, small to medium sized convenient stores for sale and so on. Although, each one of these businesses are not without merit, in most cases the financing and experience required to become successful, is lacking. I know I have personally tried a few of these options. Once you get past the hurdle of financing, you usually have long hours "at the office" to look forward too.

Furthermore, the overhead required to stay in business is a constant concern, each and every month. Fail to achieve your sales quota one month and you may not be able to pay your bills. This consistent pressure of making sales and paying bills is a key reason why businesses fail. According to the SBA (Small Business Administration) over 50 percent of businesses fail in their first five years.

However, there's another way, one that does not require long hours and huge overhead. Over the past thirty years a new marketplace for commerce has been developing. This "new" marketplace is located on the World Wide Web and has given buyers and sellers an opportunity to connect on a global scale. Ecommerce as it's called is projected to reach 197 billion in 2011. Furthermore, as more and more people come online each day, thousands of new markets are being created. All of this growth creates endless possibilities.

There are three online business models in particular that we will discuss. They are Google AdSense, Affiliate Marketing and Info Products.

Google AdSense provides an opportunity for people like you and I to generate revenue with our websites. Revenue is generated when visitors click on ads that you allow Google to place on your website or blog. An intuitive aspect of Google AdSense is that they are content related. For example, if you have a website or blog about fishing, the displayed ads will be fishing related i.e. fishing rods and reels, lures, boats and so on. People who have no experience making money online are now earning part-time and full-time incomes using this model alone.

Another popular business model is Affiliate Marketing. Recommending a favorite product or service is something we have all done. Now, Affiliate Marketing allows us to get credit from our referrals. Businesses understand the retail potential of affiliate marketing and are setting up their own programs. There is no charge to enroll into these programs and setup is easy.

Lastly are Info Products, which include any product that can be downloaded such as books (eBooks), reports, videos and software. The demand for downloadable products that can be put to use right away is growing. Forrester Research, an independent technology and market research company, estimates the number of personal computers in use worldwide will reach 2 billion by 2015. Most of us do not have experience writing reports, books, and computer programs or creating a video. The good news is these resources have already been setup and can be used for free.

Info Products key benefits include:

No inventory No shipping Products are delivered automatically Do the work once and get paid over and over (residual income) No overhead

Each of these business models can be used independently or in conjunction with each other. They can be built at any time and at your own pace. It's important to do your homework when considering investing your time and hard earned money. Take your time in researching any business opportunity in order to make the right decision.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Internet Marketing Tips Info About How To Make Money Online

Internet Marketing Tips Info About How To Make Money Online

Affiliate marketing is a very menacing contention on the web appropriate over. Not surprising when you consider the fact that a huge majority of successful online entrepreneurs occasion their capital from affiliate schemes and programs. Visit here

Since the slightest days when Amazon was being set adding to and founder, Jeff Bezos was establishing affiliates as key marketing instruments as any online enterprise, affiliates also straighten marketing has come of age.The amounts of income in that specious have clearly transformed affiliate marketing into a plenty serious business. There are fresh further more affiliates comfortably raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars every month.The first finance affiliate marketing enigma to manage esteem mind is the cogitate why affiliate marketing remains the most effective coming of marketing any online motion. undeniable is unexpurgated about the power of the referral. It is rather touchy when a website is hard to pursue itself directly to prospects. all unduly contrary from the position locality somebody else refers the business to others, including people they do not know personally.This works out superbly for several reasons. Firstly the range as a consumer themselves is able to quickly identify the strong attractive points of the process that will perfect attract others like them.

The other little known affiliate marketing mystery is that most of the top-earning affiliates buy their confess websites and blogs. Having their concede websites gives these affiliates a tremendous edge over others. The sites are usually unusually closely related to the rank program that they are promoting. By having their own site, they are able to gather the email addresses of the traffic to their sites.Usually, most kinsfolk you dispatch to your affiliate site consign not end up purchasing instrument. However when you trust their email addresses in your opt-in email list, you can continuously sell to them and the affiliate will automatically settle reinforcing with a much considerable conversion rate from the traffic they generate in that opposed to an affiliate without a website who just sends traffic to their affiliate website.

This is the affiliate marketing secret that makes a difference between affiliates struggling to pull in a good income also those comfortably making hundreds of thousands of dollars. Affiliate Marketing not tell Google Ad words:One of the best kept secrets in today's affiliate marketing world is the cabbage per penetration advertising version go underground Google Ad talking. Ad words allow advertisers to place small ads on websites or on search result pages. You probably noticed the little advertisements to the appurtenant on

In range Marketing you are promoting 3rd party products and in return you earn a share of a sale generated from your marketing efforts. We all regard experimental those slight banners on different websites. These would embody a exorbitantly simple form of affiliate marketing. More sophisticated versions are complete stores build around or based on data feeds from other vendors. In some cases the affiliate has to build his let on website and store - in others there are feverous label website templates or pages available for the affiliate to work with. Only when it comes to the actual sale the customer is redirected to the 3rd party vendor who carries the positive product.

Not a new poles apart but a not very well-known epic of affiliate marketing is the promotion of affiliate pull links/websites via Google Ad Words. The power of advertising on is combined with the affiliate link. The ally partner does not lasciviousness a website anymore; he directly links the customer to the 3rd party. not tell Google Ad Words much targeted marketing is possible further well-written ads equipped with the right keywords can bear esteem big bucks. unbroken the align has to do is to physique out which keywords are affordable to promote. also that's where enigma to success is. Everyone incubus engage the expensive and obvious keywords to promote produce but when it comes to affiliate success via PPC advertising (aka Google Ad Words) the inexperienced marketing people are being weeded out or are renounced with big holes importance their pockets. Finding the right combination of keywords, target group, ad prototype is the critical piece of the puzzle. Overall - range marketing via PPC on Google or via Overture (competitor of Google Ad Words) can be almighty lucrative again quite a few people are moulding a living of undoubted. It sounds easy to produce but to break into this career a new affiliate needs a lot of luck, big pesos or patience and knowledge.Visit here

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Friday, December 21, 2012

The Difference Between Making Money Online In The Uk Versus The Making Money Online In The Us

Making money online in the UK is a lot like making money online in the US. As a matter of fact, there are very few differences, if any.

The world has been facing a global meltdown for quite some time now. Along with the ongoing war, the economy is in bad shape, the automobile industry is threatening extinction, and the financial market is almost in ruins. There are few jobs, insurance, both health and life insurance are at an all time high and also threatening extinction, and everybody is wondering, whats next?

Making Money Online in the UK

With that, the subject of making money online, or making money period, is an issue that millions are facing. And, the subject is not limited to the United States. As a matter of fact, because the United States is where all of this stuff got started, topics in reference to money/finances has become global. In conversations across the globe, making money online has become increasingly popular and is taking place in many households.

In the UK, making money online has become as popular with the college student as it has with the stay at home mom or the retired or fired executive. Everything from playing games, taking surveys, freelancing and/or selling products is garnering income. Even social networking sites are now paying users for page views and inviting other users to the site. Though a new concept, registration has been booming.

Making Money Online in the US

The same is true in the US. Making money online has become a very real way to generate revenue. The more popular ways for making money online in the US is freelancing, blogging, and advertising.

Not too many social sites in the US are paying their users for signing up or ushering other users to the site; thats a concept that hasnt completely caught on. Instead, right now, these social sites serve mainly for networking. The designers and owners of them make the bulk of their money via advertising and other gaming issues.

The Money Making Difference Between the Countries

The only real difference between making money online in the UK versus making money online in the US boils down to things as simple as price, pay structure, or overall usage/demand for pay for various types of money making ideas. For example, its not as hot or popular in the US to make money playing games as it may be in the UK. While it is done, the demand is not as great.

Either way, when it all boils down to it, the bottom line is that there is money to be made online. Do a bit of research and see if it might be something of interest either personally or professionally. What you find in the market may surprise you!

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Best Way To Make Money Online - Some Guidelines

Second, you need to conduct a personal inventory of your skills. The key to making money online is to align your objectives with your skills. You will probably find that you need to learn some specific skills before you will be able to make meaningful money on the internet. Choose your short term money making strategies to allow you to build knowledge and skills that will pay off in the longer term. In other words, the best approach for one person may not be the same approach that would be best for you.

Third, take a look at your current finances and at how you expect your economic situation to change over time. Education and investments require money, but you need to be realistic about what you expect to achieve from both investment and education before you launch into your new career--whether that career is to be full or part time.

Best Way to Make Money Online: Combining The Variables
Let's say, just as an example, that you want to make $100 p er month online in the short term, but you want to be able to build that amount so that you are eventually earning a full-time income.

Buy An Existing Online Business:

If you have money to invest, you can purchase a ready-made online business. However, you should never invest more than you are willing to lose. If that is your choice, make sure that the seller can demonstrate income that slightly exceeds your target amount. Buy only from a seller who is willing to answer questions and give advice for at least a month after the sale. Due to your lack of experience, you will probably not be able to do quite as well as the seller for the first month or two. During that time, learn as much as you can from the original owner, but go beyond that person's input because you want to eventually grow the business well beyond its current size. Use this time to learn as much as you can about internet marketing. A great resource for free learning is the Warrior Forum, which is a gathering place for internet marketers to ask for help and share information. Basic registration is free. The website has search functionality, so you can find answers to many of your questions.
Make Money Performing Tasks For Online Businesses:

Most people do not want to invest money into an existing business--or may not have the financial resources to do so. If that is your situation, then you will need to provide a service that is needed by other online businesses. To see what kinds of services are in demand, you can browse one or two websites that connect freelancers with people who want to hire others to perform specific tasks. One of the many such websites is Choose one of those tasks (or a few) for which you already have the skills or for which you can learn those skills very quickly. Select service work that will allow you to learn more about internet marketing while you are being paid. As a newcomer, you may need to work for a small amount of money. As you develop a portfolio of your work and get good references, you will be able to raise your prices gradually but significantly over time.

Continually learn other skills s o that you can expand the menu of services that you can provide. In that way, you are moving ever closer to having the skill set necessary for your own lucrative business at some point in the future. Also use part of your internet income to prepare for the future. If your original goal was $100 per month, as you begin to earn more than that amount, set aside most of the excess to buy training aids as well as to build a nest egg for beginning that dreamed of business.

A Sample Scenario of This Approach to Earning Money in Action:

Let's say that you discover on or elsewhere that there is great demand for the simple task of commenting on blogs and forums, including a link to your employer's relevant website with each short comment. You read about what makes good comments and how to add a "keyword" optimized link in a forum thread on Warrior Forum (or elsewhere). As you do a good job with your commenting jobs, your online reputation will increase a s people rate you highly on the various freelancer websites.

In the meantime, you should have read about how to write keyword optimized articles for an internet website. You can now expand your menu of services and begin writing blog articles, which will pay better than commenting does. As you continue to write articles for a website and you insert links to other pages within that website you will be learning the importance of keyword research, as discussed here --> .

By this time, you will have learned two of the most important elements that go into your own online business--writing for the web and the use of keyword optimization. You can use that knowledge to promote your own online writing business or even branch off into a new direction altogether.

Remember, the writing path used in this example is just one of dozens of paths for you to follow. Begin your quest with tasks with which you feel comfortable and use those to improve your skills and build the necessary knowledge to undertake a business that will provide for you an answer to the question, "What is the best way to make money online?" Everyone will have a somewhat different answer.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Make Money Online - 7 Strategies to Help You Make Money Online And Work From Home

On January 1, 2010 A Google search for "Make Money Online" showed a whopping 11 million results! There are so many confusing options that it is hard to decide which option to choose. What is more, "Make Money Online" is synonymous with scams. The Internet is full of Get Rich Quick Scams and Make Money Online Scams.

In fact it is very difficult to find legitimate ways to work from home and make money online. However, if it was really impossible to make money online then popular websites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Google, etc. would not be making millions of dollars on the internet. Are they not "Making Money Online"? Is it necessary to be a geek if you got to make money online? What exactly does it take to become a successful Internet entrepreneur even if you are not a software engineer?

Throughout the ages we have seen how the poor wish that they had more money to enjoy their lives, and how the rich wish that they had more time and better health to enjoy their lives. Some people genuinely need more money. Some people desire to work from home and spend more time with their family. Some people, whether they desire more money or not, are so caught up in making a living that they forget how to live. Whatever it is, the truth is that most of us often wish to have more money and more free time. What would make it possible to get the best of both the worlds? Anyone who wants to have lots of money, lots of free time, lots of fun, better health, more happiness, more freedom, more success, and more control over their lives should pause and reflect, "Is it really possible to have all of them together or is that a pipe dream"? Contrary to what some ancient philosophers might have said, in this new age of the Internet it is indeed possible to live this dream and you will soon discover how easy it is to make your dreams come true!

Have you ever thought what you will do when you have lots of money and lots of fre e time at your disposal? Have you ever visualized a new, exciting lifestyle which gives you the freedom to live the life that you love and do all that you have ever wanted to do - be your own boss, live life on your own terms, travel around the world, buy a luxurious car, finance your college education, step into your own house, spend more quality time with your family and friends, take care of a loved one, take your family on a holiday, pursue your hobbies, devote yourself to a cause, or buy that expensive gift for someone special? What will you do when you have an abundance of money, time, freedom, and control over your life?

Hard work pays, but sometimes people who work too hard often have a hard time enjoying their health, life, and money. The equation for real freedom is: -

Lots of Money + Lots of Free Time = Lots of Fun!

A mobile lifestyle that uses technology to put your income on autopilot is indeed the n ew world dream! More and more people are getting bored of bureaucracy, red tape, dirty office politics, and the typical 9 to 5 rat race. These are the fetters that bind the feet of creative, adventurous souls who want to live life to its fullest.

A "mobile lifestyle" is a lifestyle that gives you the freedom to work from wherever you wish, and whenever you wish. It allows you to make big money and still have lots of fun and lots of free time. Even millionaires covet this lifestyle, because often millionaires don't have the time to enjoy their riches.

Even if you are hard pressed for time, take one small step in the right direction at a time, and you will finally find that you have taken that giant leap of coming out of the rut sooner than you think. You will soon find yourself enjoying a new, exciting lifestyle.

Thanks to the modern Internet age and the ease of global trade, it is possible for anyone to reach millions of people w orldwide and grow rich without any soul-crushing, back-breaking hard work. To earn while you sleep or while you spend quality time with your family and friends is no longer pulp-fiction but reality! Working long hours stuck in a stuffy office is a thing of the past. Today whether you are relaxing on the world's most beautiful beach or sailing to your dream destination in a cruise ship, the Internet allows you to reach out to millions of people worldwide and to run your business from anywhere. And as you already know, computers continue to work for you while you are partying, sleeping, or dreaming!! Have you ever imagined what it would be like to earn millions while you are on a vacation with your family and friends, enjoying your life?

Here Are The Top 7 Ways To Make Money Online, working from home or from anywhere you want: -

1.) Earn Money by Selling / Promoting Other People's Products or Services (Join Affiliate Programs):

Affiliate Programs are also known as "Associate Programs", "Referral Programs", "Partner Programs", etc. An affiliate program is a business model in which a business rewards you for each visitor or customer that you send to their business website. You sign up for free with a merchant to advertise their products or services on your blog or website, and then you get paid a commission (upto 75% of the sale value!) based on the sales that you generate. A cool way to automate your income is to join a recurring affiliate program. High earning potential and highly recommended.

2.) Make Money by Becoming a Professional Blogger:

If you are passionate about writing, you can ea rn money by becoming a professional blogger. If you have good writing skills and if you are very passionate about a niche topic then you can write blogs and make tens of thousands of dollars per month by sharing your knowledge and helping millions of people who read your blogs to choose the right products and services. However, your success as a professional blogger not only depends on your writing skills and sincerity but also on your marketing skills.

3.) Earn Money by Monetizing Your Blog or Website:

Blog monetization or website monetization is the process of converting existing traffic being sent to a particular blog or website into revenue. You do that by displaying advertisements and/or banners on your site. Every time someone clicks an advertisement on your site you get paid an amount ranging from a few cents to several dollars, based upon a number of factors. These advertisements are called Pay Per Click (PPC) advertisements. To display PPC advertisements and banners on your blog or website you need to create free accounts with AdSense (or other similar sites such as Obeus, Bidvertiser, AdBrite, Chitika, Kontera, AdHitz, etc.) and then copy and paste the HTML code which they will provide you for your site. This is a neat way to autopilot your income. Another way to monetize your blogs and website is to join free affiliate programs and display affiliate advertisements. In fact, you will make much more money with affiliate programs than with PPC advertisements.

4.) Earn Money by Selling Photographs and Drawings Online:

Here is the coolest way to have fun and get paid for it - travel around the world (or just around your own neighborhood), take good quality photographs, upload them to sites such as ShutterStock, iStockPhoto, etc. for free and get paid each and every time someone downloads a copy of any of your photographs! These photographs should have some co mmercial value. Remember, these graphics are purchased by professional web designers, screen saver developers, magazine editors, and other people who will use them for commercial purposes. If you are good at drawing, you can get paid to draw by scanning your drawings and selling them in the same way as you sell photographs. For the free spirited, artistic soul this is the perfect, fun way of making money online.

5.) Earn Money by Selling Items on eBay and Other Similar Sites:

Many people earn hundreds, even millions of dollars by selling things on eBay, CQout, eBid, Amazon, and other eCommerce sites. You can sell almost everything that is legal - electronics, cars, clothing, apparel, collectibles, sporting goods, digital cameras, antiques, real estate, etc. This is a perfect work from home job and you save a lot of money because by working from home you don't have to pay any shop rent and other shop or store related expenses such as th e electricity and maintenance bills. Apart from that you are selling to millions of potential customers worldwide, and you have the freedom to work whenever you want. You are your own boss. You can exponentially increase your revenues by simultaneously selling on eBay and other competing sites (e.g. CQout, which is popular in Europe, especially in the UK). Some
sites even allow you to list your products for free.

6.) Earn Money by Selling Your Own Product:

If the idea of inventing a new product and making a fortune by selling it scares you, think again! A product can be something as simple as an eBook, or a T-shirt designed by you. Whether it is a simple, 10 page report in the form of a .pdf eBook or a sophisticated software product, you can be assured of making a fortune by selling a good product. If you have conceptualized a product but don't know how to develop it, you can hire experts/engineers to do it for you from m,, etc. If you have already created a great downloadable informational product, then sit back and relax - all you have to do is to list it on ClickBank and thousands of affiliates will promote it for you for a commission. You will sell thousands of copies of your informational product without any efforts from you!

Income Automated? Having others sell your products for a commission is the best way to put your income on autopilot. This is what I mean by "earn while you sleep". [However, if you lose your sleep and wake every few hours to check your increasing account balance, don't blame me ;) ] If your products are concrete, tangible objects then you can sell them on the eCommerce sites described above. If your product is a downloadable eBook, software, video, or some other informational product you might also try out and in addition to

7.) Make Real Big Money Online - The G eek Way to Make Money Online:

This is the ultimate! If you are a techie, then to make real big money, and we mean "REAL B-I-G MONEY" you need to create and own a membership website and make it extremely popular and commercially successful like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc. Sounds difficult? Believe me, it isn't!!

According to, Markus Frind, a programmer learning ASP.NET, single handedly created a free dating website while he was still learning ASP.NET. He works just one hour a day but makes a whopping $10,000,000 USD per year (2008 estimates) from Ads that appear within user profiles!!!

How did he do it? He kept things simple and operational costs low! And while other dating websites were charging a subscription fee to users, Markus provided the full functionality of his website to users for FREE! When I created a Plentyoffish account I was surprised to see its simple user interface, low quality of images, and a non-existent cus tomer service. The point that I want to make is that inspite of these drawbacks, the website manages to make 10 million dollars per year for its singleton owner!

The "Geek Way" is for Techies/Computer Geeks/Software Engineers, but then it is very easy for techies and maybe for you too! If you are a software engineer or a computer science student, you should give this a serious thought. If you are not a technical person but have a great idea, hire engineers and technical experts to make exactly what you tell them. You can hire them from several places such as,, etc.

Discover The Top 10 Ways To Make Money Online at

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

10 Ways to Make Money Online Malaysia

The following will elaborate on 10 ways to make money online Malaysia. It can be a hundreds to a few millions depends on which method you choose to make money online. The different methods are not limited as you will venture and explore new ways on your own. With the right products and Internet marketing technique you will be well on your way to earning the million!

1. Sell physically trendy (or) trend-setting products for young savvies

These can range from electronics to jewellery to sports equipment, computer gadgets, gifts, art, pet care products, furniture, MP3s, music CDs, clothes, branded bags and health care. It could really be anything for you to make money online Malaysia.

Selling physical products involves dealing with inventory, shipping and handling. All this can be automated or contracted to drop shipping. Drop shipping is a supply chain management technique in which the retailer does not keep goods in stock, but instead transfers customer's orders and shipment details to either the manufacturer to either the manufacturer or a stockist, who then ships the goods directly to the customer. Drop shipper is usually co-determined by the product you are selling and if they are on terms to provide service for what you are offering.

2. Affiliate program

Act as a middleman by using your website/blog to become an affiliate and make money online Malaysia by earning commissions thru promoting and selling for others. One example is which offers an affiliate marketing system for their products. If you are an affiliate, you will have access to market a whole range of wonderful products which formerly was not within your reach. Customers who visit your site and click the Amazon link can also purchase the products there. Amazon simply handles all the product inventory, shipping and refunds, and prompts customer services on your behalf. As long as your customer clicks your affiliate link and makes a purchase, you make money online Malaysia by earning a commission.

3. Selling digital-information-based products

These are sometimes called virtual products. They are usually in digital format and are easily downloaded from blogs and websites. They can be software computer programs which help enhance productivity in certain chores or routines, or specialized applications for specific tasks, or electronic digital e-books. They may also be audio programs, instructional videos, MP3s, movies, computer games, entertainment products, media, ringtones etc. Digital-information-based products are extremely profitable, you will not need to worry about inventory, shipping or handling since everything is done and executed digitally, even if you sell internationally. You will never be bothered by Customs rules or restrictions as the books are downloaded through the Internet and do not cross any physical territorial borders. It is such a simple and fast way to make money online Malaysia!

4. Selling Net services

The new landscape of the Internet is wide open, and Net services could be anything from an interactive personal finance site to a tuition site or a photo sharing site. The recent big thing is New Media Service. The following are some New Social Networking services that already exist but which are handled by bigger corporations.

Social Net-working sites: Facebook, Myspace and LinkedIn, Twitter, Ning, and Friendster, Social bookmarking: They allow users to save their favorite web pages or news, and stories, and share them with others e.g. Diigo, Delicious, StumbleUpon, Faves etc. Casual Gaming: Gaming is part of a very big network. Most of them are downloadable, with different categories from casual gamer to hardcore gamer e.g. Halos, Scrabulous, Slingo. Media services: YouTube is the success story in this category. Recently, there have been similar players who also offer similar services such as Flickr, Revver, etc. Web-publishing services: These are blogging sites, and you can find them at Blogger, Livejournal and Scribd.

5. Solicit sponsorship and donation for your blog or website

One way to inspire donations is to offer something in return. It is easier to set the fee for an advertisement than it is for a sponsorship. You can rate or invite an interested organization to make you an offer, as it is easier to convince a possible sponsor to part with their money in exchange for maybe a web promotion to push their products or program through your website or blog. It is important to list what a sponsor gets in exchange for their sponsorship e.g. you can put their main logo, promotion, or program on your blog or webpage, and use this to attract donations for a special cause such as Cancer Research, Aids, etc.

6. Using blogs as promotional tools

Blogging, which comes under web-publishing, is very big business these days. A recent US survey has found that more than 12 million adults in the US currently maintain a blog, and almost 2.5 million of them list making money online as one of the reasons why they blog. Blogging is here to stay, so you might as well use it to make money online Malaysia for yourself. In fact, statistics provided by Blogging Association US show that the top five blogging sites in the US earn an average of more than USD 100,000 per month.

7. Selling advertising space through e-zines and newsletters

Ask yourself: How do newspaper publishers make money? Selling advertising space! Newspapers are full of advertisements, and this is what brings in crucial revenue for the publisher.

You can do the same with e-zines and newsletters: make money online Malaysia simply by selling advertising space. Create a blog that discusses a specific subject like traveling, for instance, and then build up a good list of followers with a good quantity of pageviews and frequent newsletters, and you will soon attract companies or agencies that will want to have their name on your blog. You, of course, charge them for using your blog to advertise or promote their services. You can start selling advertising space for some minimum fee when your mailing list exceeds 1,000 (5,000 is recommended) subscribers through your Opt-in program. In this way, you can turn every e-zine and newsletter into a subscriber-attracting device.

8. Providing services by offering membership with master resale rights

There are many membership sites on the Internet. Some provide free information based on products like free software, e-books or special programs for specific applications. In order to access their web service, you will need to become a member. As a member, you will need to pay a membership fee or make a donation.

These sites sometimes provide a forum to keep you updated on information and to share information with other members. Some are really exclusive, but this gives added value to their membership. Normally, you can allow visitors access by joining at a fee which they will have to pay on a yearly basis. This approach will need visitors to log in, provide a password with add-on services like reminder services and keep a forum or a roster of content which has to be updated frequently.

9. Productivity platform for online investment

These usually include Forex, Commodities, Gold Trading and some High Yield Investment program. Many people depend on Forex trading at home but as this is a risky venture, the important thing is to do your homework first. Practice with paper trades to gain confidence. Keep your good money management skills at the forefront. Know the risks, and you could find a good source of income using the Internet to do forex trading.

10. Be an Internet web-hosting reseller

Internet web-hosting resellers have the ability to host unlimited domains, create their own packages, and set their own prices. Being a reseller is completely anonymous, allowing you to act as an independent hosting company. Therefore, your customers won't know that you are reselling your hosting services and you have a unique opportunity to make money online Malaysia.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Monday, December 17, 2012

Top 10 Internet Business Reasons To Start A Blog And Make Money

Blogging is one of the most powerful internet marketing favorite topics. There are a lot

of topics about what is blogging, why you should start blogging, how a blog can make

money for you and advice on how to promote your blog. Wikipedia mentions that a blog is a

website with regular entries that may contain video, graphics, and may be either personal

or corporate. So as many blogs are corporate then they can be a great platform to start

an internet business. We will present our top 10 reasons to blog and start your own

internet business.

1.A blog can be an interactive communication platform for marketing
Many blogs do not rely on text but provide also videos, music, polls, quizzes, photos,

contests. Plus reviews of products and comments make the blogging experience an

interactive one. Being interactive people tend to spend more time online and b y offering

free stuff such as videos or reports you can test and apply many internet marketing

techniques such as building a list to promote your current and future products.

2.Blogging is a hot trend and odds are it will keep being hot for a long time
Trends in any market come and go. But hot trends are the ones that like in trading can be

very profitable assuming you are on the right side. Technorati often considered the major

blog search engine tracks millions of blogs and more weblogs are added with a non

stoppable momentum daily. So ask yourself is it smart to not to be part in a major social

and internet business trend?

3.Easy to launch it on the web
There are many blog platforms but blogger and wordpress are the most known. Despite the

numerous procedures from legal to financing a real business requires for its setup, a

blog can be online wit hin a day or even hours. And with so many free information on the
internet to help you answer your questions you do not need any specific technical

requirements to worry about how to make your first post or idea visible online.

4.Quick at its use
Once you get some brainstorming ideas or new offers or just want to express your latest

thoughts within a few moments you can publish anything on the internet, review it, delete

it or expand it and start a conversation. And why limit yourself to a few posts when at a

single day you can publish and blog as many times as you want different ideas that would

take days or weeks to reach your potential customers via traditional not online ways of


5.Cheap and even free business
With a very low budget of less than 100 US Dollars you can get a one year hosting and the

choice of branding your own domain for branding reasons or for seo purposes. Competition

works in your favour as most hosting providers provide discounts for more than one year

registration and providing services. Some even offer free hosting but in exchange show

ads and if you are not concerned about that then you can even have an online presence for


6.Going global
Why limit your business within national borders when you can have customers from multiple

continents and nations? You may not want or be afraid to go global marketing but if you

do you will see that possibilities of being profitable and making money expand at a very

high speed.

7.Become an expert or an authority, a guru maybe?
Going global marketing at some point you maybe considered the best leader in your market

despite the fact offering services or goods. Lets say you are a marketing expert then

people will tend to trust you and that means only one thing, making money online easier.

Same rules apply to your products if they get good reviews again guess where online.

8.Economic crisis or booming economy a home business that is flexible
Why work 9 to 5, Monday to Friday for a whole life? You can make money blogging starting

your ideal home business. Get rid of formal clothes or business body language and work as

much and when you want from the comfort of your home. Plus save money in fuel, renting,

parking and many more.

9.Individuality and customization
One of the most powerful things about blogging is that with additional but optional cost

you can customize your own settings and preferences about the appearance of your internet

business and your own pulse. Many web designers offer premium templates for your blog or

may even design a unique theme for your blog according to your needs and desires. Apart

from seo and top rankings that will help you make money online you can show your own

unique character and voice with a slogan, theme and business ideas that will set you

apart from most other blogs.

10.Make money, the primary reason for blogging
Last but not least make money blogging. You can make money blogging being an artist, a

singer, a web developer, a stock analyst, a marketer, you name it. Plus once you get high

traffic advertisers will knock at your blog and pay you for showing ads or promoting

their products. Cross marketing maybe the most efficient mean of expanding your ways to

make money blogging.

So here are ten top ways to make money blogging and start making your blog a real

internet business. This list maybe reviewed or expanded but it is a start to motivate you

and start blogging under an internet business concept.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software