Saturday, December 3, 2011

Web Hosting Terminology in Layman's Terms - Simple Guide

Finding the right web hosting can be a challenging task for professional webmasters but it can be especially challenging for beginners looking to host a website for the first time. As a professional web hosting researcher I spend countless hours researching web hosting companies to determine each hosts strengths and weaknesses. I then take my research and create web hosting reviews for my website.

One day I started thinking about the knowledge that I have obtained and the terminology that I often throw around on my website and I realized that many individuals may not completely understand the web hosting lingo. To help those who may not be a expert in web hosting better understand the products in which they are purchasing I have decided to write this article to explain the sometimes misunderstood web hosting language.

This article is for beginner web hosting users; I will explain each term to the simplest degree possible for a better understanding you may want to complete further research.

Terminology Explained

Controls the amount of traffic your website can handle
- Tip: The higher the bandwidth the better

A simple script that processes data submitted by a website visitor
- Example: Most online forums (enter name, address, phone, etc.) use CGI.

The place on a web server where CGI scripts are stored

The tool that allows you to control information on your web server

Dedicated Hosting
A more expensive form of web hosting. Cheaper hosting plans share a web server with others who are hosting websites. Dedicated hosting allows a user to have his/her own server. Increased server speeds and less server downtime can be expected with a dedicated hosting plan.

Disk Space
See Hosting Space below

Domain Name
A domain name is the actual name of the website that must be entered in a address bar to access a website
-Example: is my domain name.

Domain Name Forever
Many hosting sites offer a free domain name free of cost forever with the purchase of any hosting package.

A security feature for your web server
- Analogy: Not Anti-virus but instead Anti-Hacker

FrontPage Extensions
FrontPage is a popular web site builder program. A web server with FrontPage extensions support many of FrontPages add-on features
- Tip: If you use FrontPage you will want to have FrontPage extensions on your server.

A way to connect to your web server from your personal computer.

Linux Web Hosting
The base/foundation software of the web hosting server
- Analogy: Linux is to web server as Windows is to personal computers

Hosting Space
The amount of space that you have available on your web server
- Analogy: Hosting Space is to web server as Hard Drive is to personal computer.

The unique address of data packets on the internet
- Analogy: IP is to internet as fingerprint is to human

A way to connect web server email accounts to programs such as Outlook and Express Outlook

Reseller Hosting
A reseller hosting plan gives the customer the necessary tools needed to sell his/her own hosting plans for a profit

Shared Hosting
The most affordable and basic way to host a website. With shared hosting multiple websites are stored on the same web server, sharing resources
- Tip: This is the opposite of dedicated hosting

Free software that many web hosting sites offer, this software allows customers to build websites without the need of expensive software.

Software on a web server that enables you to see visitor information
- Example: this article had 1,203 views yesterday

SQL is a website language that is used to request data from a database on your web server
- Tip: Microsoft Access is an example of a database

- Example: is my domain name would be an example of a sub-domain

Virtual Host
Just like shared hosting, multiple websites are hosted on the same server

VPS Virtual Private Server
Increases privacy and web server performance.
- Tip: The middle grown between a virtual hosting account and a dedicated hosting account

Windows Hosting
Most web hosting servers are either windows based or Linux based
- Analogy: The operating system of a web server

This web hosting information was brought to you by the hosting experts at If you are looking for additional web hosting terminology explanations I would recommend HostMonster's Help Center.


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